Chapter 15- cenfessions

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"What do you want to do?" I heard Emma ask. "I want to go back to the others," Luke laughed. "No, let's do something together for a change." Emma jumped on the bed. "Like what? There is nothing to do here." Luke walked closer to the door. "Then we just talk together." Emma acted casual. "We can talk together with the others." Luke opens the door. I and Ashton jumped a step back, but Luke didn't come out.

"For fuck sake Luke! I'm trying to get closer to you. Can't you see that?" Emma yelled, and Luke closed the door. We quickly lent on the door again. "we loved each other once! I still want to make this work. I want 'us' to work!" Emma continued. "I know. You left me! You left everything we had! You didn't even contact me." Luke was angry. "I thought I would never see you again! I cried every night, so I thought it would be best if we just forgot each other!" Emma was tearing up. "Well, here we are. You didn't Evan try!" We heard Luke walk towards the door, so we sprinted back to our room.

Olivia's PoV:

Alex and Ash came in the door quickly. "What's up?" I asked confused. "Hysj!" Alex responded loud.
Luke came back into the room. "Hey, where is Emma?" Alex asked trying to act like She didn't hear what they said. "In her room." He said short. "They had a fight." Alex whispered in my ear.
"Olivia, can I talk to you? alone?" Luke asked me. "Yeah," I said and followed him out the door.

"is this about Emma?" I asked. "What I'm I suppose to do? I just had a fight with the girl I love!" He looked both stressed and sad. "Ok, listen to me. If you guys really love each other, you won't let a little fight get between you." I tried to cheer him up. "She talked about you every day for a year in Norway! She love you. this is your chance to start again!" What I said made him smile a little. ""Yeah, you're right. thanks Olivia." He said before he left to his room.

Alex's PoV:

"Let's go to bed. The van picks us up at eleven tomorrow." Ashton said checking the time on his watch. "Yeah, you're right." Calum yawned, and went to his room were Luke already was half asleep. Everyone left the room, except Ashton who apparently is my roommate. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and changed to a pair of comfy shorts and a tank top. Ashton was laying in the middle of the bed when I got out. He was probably just teasing me.

I tried to push him to the side, but he was too heavy. "Move!" I laughed. "Just five more minutes!" He teased. I was too tired to continue pushing him, so I just laid down beside him. "Bitch." I casually coughed. I could tell smiled, even though I couldn't see his face.
He turned around and made some space in the bed for me. Finally. "Want to go out again soon? On another date I mean." He asked, looking too adorable. "Yeah, of corse I will." I said, and kissed him on his cheek. "Great! Good night Alexia," he said and turned of the light at his bedside table. "Night." I said back. I was really excited about going out with him again.

The next morning:

"Alexia! Hey, wake up." Ashton's voice was raspy. typically morning voice. "Yeah, just a minute." I yawned. I turned around and looked at my phone. The time was ten. "Shit! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" I jumped out of bed, and threw myself over my bag. "You look so pretty when you sleep, so didn't want to wake you up." He explained. Me, Pretty?

I threw on a pair of jeans, a black tee, and a beanie to cover up my messy hair. I ran to the bathroom and gathered all my toiletries. I packers really quickly, and I had a little time to do my makeup. I just did a few layers of mascara, and filled in my eyebrows. I felt like I needed some air, so I vent out on the balcony. The sun was shining strong. It was a hot spring day. It was April twelfth, exactly two month till my birthday.

I went back inside and changed to a pair of shorts, and I swapped the beanie with a dark blue bandana. "Ashton, Can you check if the others are ready?" I asked while trying to make the bandana look good on me. "Yeah," he said and left the room. I mumbled the name of all the stuff I had in my bag, so I could 'hear' if I forgot something. "Let me see... I have my charger and my... Yeah I'm ready to leave!" I said, but nobody was here to hear me.

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