Chapter 18- shopping therapy

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"Yes.. Erm...yes!" I said with my hand covering my mouth. I was so surprised. ashton started to lightly laugh as he lent closer to me. I put my hands around his neck and pooled him into a passionate kiss. "I love you," he said into my mouth.

"I think I love you too," I giggled looking straight into his light brown eyes. His smile was so big, he looked like a five year old at Disney land.

"Don't you have a band practice you need to get over with?" I asked after a long time of deep steering.

"Oh, shit, yeah I maybe do. See you soon love," he said as he firs kissed my hand before letting go of it.

Ha gave me a little wave along with a big smile before he got into his car and Drove off. I bit my own lip as I literally fell on the floor after I got inside. This just happened? My first boyfriend! It's kinda cliché that we in our 'group' end up together, but I wasn't complaining to be honest. I think this might bring us closers, we just need to get Olivia and Calum together first.

The rest of the day all I did was fangirling over my own relationship. The butterflies in my stomach was worse than ever. I couldn't even stand still for more than a minute without getting som kinda excited brake down.

I felt the need to call Callie and go out, so I did.

"Hey!! Omg Alex! Michael told me about everything. Congrats." Callie said the second she picked up the phone.

"Okay then! But you need to pick me up right now 'cause I need some shopping therapy." I laughed. Me and Callie had three kinds of therapy: shopping, late night adventures, and Ben & Jerry's.

"On my way!" Was the last thing she said before she hung up.

About only ten minutes later she was outside my front door. I opened the door and stepped out before she got the chance to knock. She did a little jump backwards so the door didn't hit her in the face.

"Wow, you were fast." She said looking up and down my outfit. I did a lot to my appearance in the little time I had to get ready. I've got just enough time to apply just a little bit of eye makeup, and changing clothes. Doesn't sound much, but it can de a big difference sometimes.

"Yeah, I had to multitask like fuck!" I laughed running my hand through my hair.

"Let's go then," she said pointing her car.

Callie drove us to the shopping mall, and luckily it wasn't too much people here today. We went straight to the shoe stores after parking the car. I had a little obsession with shoes to be honest.

"I need a new pair of vans, but these combat boots would love to be on my feet!" I giggled as I tied the boots I tried on.

"Yeah, I think you should buy those instead. Plus they are under half the price of the vans.." She said nodding at the price tag on the vans I had right next to me.

"I'll buy them!" I said capping my hands together.
After paying the woman for the shoes, we went to h&m 'cause who doesn't like h&m? The divided section was literally bae.

"Alex! Come here." Callie shouted from the beauty section.
I grabbed the peace of clothing I looked on and headed over to her.

"Yeah?" I asked wondering why she called me over.

"Look, it's colourful hair dyes here! You should definitely get blue." She said holding the hair dye box in front of my face.

"I don't know... What if Ashton doesn't like it? But you by the way, You should dye your hand purple! It's not permanent anyway." I said showing her the text that said 'up to 15 washes with shampoo' on the box.

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