Chapter 20-sleepover part 2

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Alex's PoV:

"Alex! Why are you using so much time?! We are suppose to be there in ten months." Callie complained as I speed packed all my stuff. "Chill out! I'm done In s second," I responded out of breath.

"Jesus..." He said silent shaking her head. She was all packed up and just waited for me. It wasn't that much to pack. just clothes for the night and tomorrow, and the standard toiletries.

"I'm done!" I yelled up the staircase. Callie was already about to get into her car. I ran after her and jumped into the passenger seat and threw my bag in the back seats. "Let's go," I said as I put on my seatbelt. "We would probably be there now if it wasn't for you," she teased. "Yeah, yeah, shut up." I smiled and turned on the radio. It was only shitty music on the radio to be honest 'cause 'real music isn't on the radio' right?

"Well, we are a little late.." Callie said as she drove into the parking lot outside Emma's house.

I knockout on the door before entering the house with Callie behind me. "Hello? We're here!" I said loud when I saw than no one was here. "upstairs!" I heard a voice said. "Coming!" Callie yelled back. "Hey!" We all said giving each other a light hug.

"Getting ready?" I said and nodded. They were both standing in front of a big mirror and fixed them selfs up. "Yeah. Are we heading straight for the store, ur are we going to chill a little bit first?" Emma asked as she tied her hair up in a ponytail. "I think we should go straight to the grocery store," I suggested so we could start this sleepover right away. "Okay, let's go then!" Emma said and looked at Callie who threw her car keys in the air and cached them again.

Callie was the only one who had her license, mainly because we where still too young. I couldn't get my license in only a few weeks when I turn sixteen, but I haven't bothered to learn how to drive yet. Our family can't afford a new car anyway, not the gas either and my mom use her car all the time. But I have decided that I will learn to drive soon even though I won't have a car.

I could ask my dad thought, he's loaded with money but he'll never use it on something for others. It isn't even worth a try.

"Dibs on the passenger seat!" Emma yelled and ran to the passenger door. "I guess we have to sit in the backseat then," I laugh as I looked at Olivia. "No, we can sit on top of each other! You on Emma and me on Cal," she joked. I just laughed. I kinda liked the backseat anyway, it's kinda like the back row at school!

We arrived to a store in town, and we were lucky we chose this exact store 'cause the stores on the other side of the road was loaded with people. This store was next to empty! Maybe because it was only 'real food' here, instead of those cheap options at target.

Callie parked the car and we jumped out of it. Olivia grabbed a basket but she put is back and and grabbed a shopping cart instead. "Who wants to sit in it?" She laughed. I literary pushed Callie out of my way and jumped into the cart. "ME!" I yelled as I landed in the cart.

"I'm next!" Callie said loud and raised her hand as she walked further into the store. "I'm after Callie," Olivia said fast. "Ah bitches.." Emma said silent which made us all laugh.

"So we're going to make pizza and Chinese?" I asked as we got into the vegetable section. "Well, we could only make pizza. It's easier." Olivia suggested. "Yeah, I think so too." Callie said as well. "Omg! Let's make... like seventeen pizzas!" Emma joked, but something told me she's didn't.

"Well let's get some tomatoes, and garlic.. And bell peppers..and." I started. "We also need pineapple! And chicken or something." Callie said as she ran to get a pineapple. "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?!" I started to sing. "SpongeBob Squarepants!" Everyone sang loud so we all busted out in laughter.

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