Chapter 8- hair, ice cream, olivia, beatch.

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Michael's hair was black, with a blue streak at the front. He looked more manly was this hairstyle, but I have to admit, I Like the galaxy style better.
My own hair colour was fading away. I dyed it with temporary hair dye, that would last me two months if I don't use any shampoo, and just conditioner.

All the boys said hi to Olivia before they Even looked at me and Emma. Only Callie said said hello to us before she introduced herself to Olivia.

Olivia's PoV:

I was pretty scared about meeting Emma's old, and new friends. What if I end up like third wheel or something, or eighth wheel in this case but that doesn't make sense.
When I saw the group of people Alex was looking at, and saw this guy Luke that Emma had shown me pictures of, I knew they where all the people Emma told me about.

The four boys immediately said hi to me. "hey, I'm Olivia, as I guess Emma already told you." I said trying to make a good first impression. Emma was laughing beside me. "Hi, I'm Callie, it is a pleasure to meet you." Callie said, smiling a nice smile. She was a pretty girl. This guy I guess must be Michael due to his hair, probably thought so too because he had his arm over her shoulder. But didn't Emma tell me he has purple hair?

"I see you've changed your hair colour." Alex said pointing at his head. "Yeah, do you like it?" He asked in a really girly way. "NO! I totally hate it!" Alex said in a really sarcastic tone. "I like it, and guess you must be Michael?" I said knowing I was right. "Yeah," he answered.

"And you must be Calum," I said nodding towards the 'Asian, but not Asian' guy. "And that means you must be Ashton, cause I've already seen pictures of Luke." I said first nodding to Ashton, and then looking at Luke. He had changed a little since the time Emma and Luke where together. He looks taller, and his hair definitely was nicer now. I had only seen pictures of Luke before, and I had watched Emma talking to him at the phone.

They all seemed like nice people.
Lunch had just started, so we had a lot of time we could use an knowing each other better.
They where really welcoming people, which I really liked about them. For some reason I felt like I already was a part of the group.

Alex's PoV:

In the lunch break we made plans of going to get some ice cream at the beach later. Not the side of the beach with the old pier though, the real beach with tons of people.
We agreed to meet up at the ice cream parlour 3pm. She school was over 2pm, so we had enough time to go home and do som stuff before we all went out.

I said to Calum that he could come with me home after school, because he lives pretty far away from the beach.
"But you only have a scooter, and I take the buss to school." He said asking how we where suppose to get to my place. "You can sit behind me on the Vespa, I don't live far away, so I don't think we could get caught." I said in a convincing way. "Ok then," Calum said smiling.

The bell rang and we all started to walk inside the building. Behind me, Emma and Olivia, was Calum who winked to Ashton, making him angrily punch Calum in the shoulder. Calum tried to hold his scream inside, and held his hand over his shoulder till hi had to use it finding his books in his locker.

I and Olivia had art class together now. Since art doesn't get harder for every year, the grades are blended.
It was great to have Olivia in art class because I don't know anybody in this class. And she don't really know anyone in Australia, so it's a win for both of us. We sat across each other at one of the two big tables.
A guy named Johan or something ", always talked and made comments to everything. The teacher got kinda mad and had to talk to him all the time, but he was so unserious that the teacher had a hard time trying to get mad at him.

After art, I had español, which was kinda chill became all we did was sitting and talk Spanish to each other. And you won't believe this! Olivia was also in the Spanish class, but so was JOHAN!

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