Chapter 17- "im not preforming"

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Hey hey hey! Sorry I didn't post a chapter last week, but I was at (PERMANENT) vacation :3 but since I got a lot of time to write at the plane, I've made this chapter longer!! Yay. And by the way, I'm so thankful for 500
views!!! Hope you Enjoy this chapter xx

"What movie do you want to watch?" Ashton asked while point an a shelf full of movies. "Something scary," I said munching on popcorn. "I don't really have any good horror movies, but I have a lot of Disney movies." He said and laughed.

"Lion king?" I asked pointing at the movie. "Alright," he said and put the desk in the CD player. He sat down right next to me so our thighs touched, probably on purpose.

"I always cry when I watch this movie, but when I watch movies like titanic, I'll never cry." I laughed. "I cried more when I watched Tinker Bell," I continued still laughing. "Really? That's so sweet." He giggled as he put his arm around me. He pooled me closer when the movie started.

We didn't really watch the movie, we ended up talking the whole time. "Ever thought about making a career out of your talent?" Ashton asked when we talked about his band. "You know I don't like to preform," I said looking down in my lap.

He took his hand on my chin and lifted my head so I faced him. "You are amazing. You know it." He said seriously. "It's not that I don't think I have the talent, it's just that I don't know what other people will think about it." I said looking back dawn in my lap. "Hey," he said mild as he faced me. "You are so talented. Don't let other people's opinion get in your way. Haters gonna hate." He said with a super nice smile.

"The day someone stop me at the street and tell me I'm a good musician, that day I will start preforming." I said with a smirk 'cause I know that will never happen.

"No one can do that unless they have heard you sing, and if you don't prefo..." He started. "Exactly!" I cut him of. "You can preform with us some time! We always preform in the streets and on YouTube!" He offered excited. I thought about it. I have seen them preform outside a café a few times.

"Maybe..." I said with remorse. "That's a deal! I'll talk with the Luke, Michael, and cal tomorrow." He was serious. "No, you don't have to.." I said tryouts to change his mind. "I want to." He said and I knew he wasn't going to change his mind. Fuck. I'm going to preform. Fuck.

Olivia's PoV:

I and Calum didn't have anything to do at my place so we decided to go out.

"Want to get a Starbucks?" I asked pointing at the coffee shop. "Yeah! I'll pay for you." He said and smiled. "No! I'll pay myself." I said fast when we walked into the cold shop. "No, I'll pay for you. It's no problem. it's just coffee." He said and stood in line. he wasn't going to let me pay. "Thanks then..." I said and smiled.

"What do you want?" Calum asked looking at the menu. "Just a tall caramel frap," I said back. I didn't want to order something too expensive, so I just wanted tall.

"One grande caramel frappuccino, and one tall caramel frappuccino." he said when it was our time to order. Calum gave me sign to wait with the desk on the other side where they yelled out the orders.

He payed the man and came after me. We waiter for a few minutes before a woman yelled: "one grande Carmel frappuccino for Jerry!" And Calum grabbed it. "Jerry?" I asked, but he just grabbed another frappuccino witch said 'Tom &'.

"Ahh! Tom and Jerry! so cool." I said and took a sip.

We went outside and down town. "Ah! Let's go into the music store, I love this place." Calum said, but he didn't give me chance to react before he dragged me inside the store.

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