a few months later

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Over the last few months happy and I have gotten closer and I fully forgave him we have been taking it really slow however I think I'm ready to fully give myself too him I plan on telling him soon because he said he wanted to make it special because it'll be my first time . He's been completely faithful since that day he's not cheated once or attempted too he's extremely loyal now. Over the past few months as well Natasha and my brother Jax have gotten closer I see maybe a possible romance there . I don't know though because Tara Jax's highschool sweetheart came back to charming to work as a doctor apparently she wanted Jax to leave the club and go with her to Chicago and choose her over the club and jax said no so she left without him now shes back and wants to be with him again and honestly he's sort of talking for it . I see Natasha and I know she's extremely sad and hurt an doesn't wanna say anything she's incredibly good at hiding her feelings she can mask that up like no other . I pull Jax aside and ask him why are you getting so close to Tara again and what about Natasha you have been trying to get her to go out with you for a while and now your gonna drop her like she means nothing for some one who left you and made you pick her over your family. He said yeah but you don't understand this was my first love it's hard when you really like your first love and that never goes away fully. I said okay Jax whatever but don't come crying to me when she hurts you again in some way and then Natasha doesn't want you back I hope you forgive yourself then. He stood there and looked at me shocked but I'm telling the truth I'm protective over Natasha like she is me she's like my mom and I don't want her getting hurt. What do you know about a week later jax and Tara were together and opie was with lyla which upset me because he has been seeing my aunt yelena . Everyone was sitting in the clubhouse . I said can I get everyone's attention please they all gathered around. I said I quit this job and I'm gonna stop coming around for a while happy if you wanna see me then you can come to my house same goes for juice halfsack momma Gemma and dad clay and chibs and Tig . I want nothing to do with you Jax or opie .  You both dated important people to me and you then cheated on them and I'll never forgive you for that they are better women then Tara and lyla and you will soon see that once they cheat on you like I know that they will . I'm sorry that it has to be this way momma but I can't be around them Natasha and yelena raised me and kept me safe when I was in that place and I think of them as more family then Jax i know that might make you made but think about it when has he actually been a brother to me.  Momma Gemma was upset but understood where I was coming from I told her I would stay in contact but for now I gotta go before I do something stupid. I kissed happy and then left.

*** Opie pov***
Wow I never saw Hannah so upset I didn't know she felt that way I also didn't want to believe that lyla would cheat on me , but I did cheat on yelena I hope i didn't make a mistake like yeah I regret cheating but I hope I don't regret choosing lyla over yelena and how was I gonna get her back if i do find out Lyla was cheating. I know Hannah won't forgive me so easily since this is her family. I hope I didn't make a mistake.

*** Jax pov***
I hope I didn't make a mistake choosing Tara it was a hard choice it really was I liked Natasha a lot honestly I can say the time I spent with her made me really love her but when Tara came back I guess the feelings did as well she was my high school sweetheart we have a lot of memories and a lot of history and that can't be forgotten I just hope I don't regret choosing Tara over Natasha , I lost my sister over choosing Tara I hope that gets better I don't know what I would do if anything was to stay permanent. She did get one thing right though I haven't been the best brother to her especially when Tara came around i started to forget that hannah existed and i regret that more than anything i hope i can make it better.

*** Hannah pov***
I pretty much stopped going to the clubhouse and talking to everyone except clay Gemma juice halfsack and happy everyone else seemed to be on Opie and Jax side tig and chibbs especially took their sides because of course they support everything they do . Jax has been dating Tara and Opie has been dating Lyla for a few months now and everything has been going good but apparently last week Opie came home and saw Lyla cheating on him and she said that she didn't really care about him she just didn't want Yelena to have him and they got into a huge argument and then they broke up Opie told her not to come back that he will never forgive her. Jax also apparently found out that Tara cheated on him with a guy named John and or course David the cop trying to get a bunch of information on the sons but or course failed. Jax found out and broke up with her wanting nothing more to do with her telling her she has no business coming around anymore and if she does he will shoot her no questions asked. Apparently Opie wants yelena back and Jax wants Natasha back but unfortunately for them it doesn't work that way Natasha holds a grudge and apparently yelena has a date. I have to stop by the clubhouse and come back home to get aunt yelena ready for her date. I get into my truck and about fifteen minutes later I'm at the clubhouse I had to bring juice , halfsack and happy lunch . I was greeted by Opie and Jax and they asked why I was there and I said that I was bringing halfsack juice and happy lunch and then they asked me to stick around and hang out and I said I couldn't have to go back home and get yelena ready for a date she has. Opie is clearly upset and asks about it I said all I know it's their first date it's nothing serious for one and secondly you really can't be mad you cheated on her and left her for the other woman who happened to cheat on you like i said she would but you didn't believe me I hope you do now. Anyways after I dropped off juice halfsack and happy lunch I gotta go and I said goodbye to everyone there and headed home to get yelena ready for a date.

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