Tara Lyla and Ima start drama they can't finish

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Here Ima Lyla and Tara are here starting drama that they know they can't finish they want "their" men back and how they are gonna fight us on that for them . Yelena Natasha and I were looking at them and then looking amongst each other and we just busted out laughing and said you three wanna fight us I'm like do you even know who we are? They looked at us and was like yeah a couple of bitches and whores who took our men and I said first off honey they aren't even yours maybe in the past they were but let's be real Tara , Jax wasn't yours he was in high school but then you decided to leave state to go to college and then almost make Jax choose you over the club over his family and then you haven't been back in ten years and you finally come back when you find out he's single and now has a son and now you are back just go away no one wants you anymore and Jax has Natasha . Lyla come on now you know you were just the replacement for Opie because his wife and mother of his children died may she rest in peace but anyways the kids don't even like you , they like yelena a whole lot more than you , you never cared about the kids you just wanted opie and the protection the club offers and ellie told me you said you didnt want opie around his children that you were gonna take him away from them. That isn't gonna happen now that he and Yelena are together so just go away and continue to be a pornstar. Now I'm gonna finish with you Ima you and happy weren't ever dating you were just a crow eater and you just fucked a lot that's all and here's the thing he would never date some one like you why would he want you when you have probably had sex with most of the guys here at some point happy needs a women who can take care of herself be independent with herself but still let him take charge when he needs to and you can't do that just be honest and face that and also lastly we are former assassins and former avengers so there's that you guys have nothing on us so try to fight us all you want but it's not gonna end well at all . As soon as I finished talking they came ima to me Lyla to Yelena and Tara to Natasha and slapped us we looked at each other and laughed again and said is that all you got well now that you hit us first all hands are off the deck now and we can defend ourselves now so i punched ima in the nose and it broke then I picked her up and slammed her on the ground and i then broke her leg some teeth were gone too and i broke her jaw. I looked over at Yelena and Natasha doing the same thing and we were done we made our points the other three stood up with each other's help and I said now you listen and you listen well we are done you three need to grow up and leave our men alone they have told you multiple times that they don't want you and you need to understand that and move on get a grip they don't want you. They then walked away and said this isn't over and I said yes it is. After the fight and after they left we cleaned up and I said that just made me sad and tired I had a good night though for the most part but I'm gonna go to sleep happy then walked me into his dorm and said we don't we sleep in here tonight I said I don't have any clothes with me and so he handed me one of his shirts that were giant on me I went to take off my other clothes and happy noticed I wasn't wearing underwear so he stopped me and we made love for a while he calmed my nerves down a lot and he said i love you and i said I love you too daddy and we went to sleep.

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