first day as an engaged woman and spending the day with Daddy clay

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I woke up and I still can't believe I am an engaged woman I'm gonna have brie Nikki Hayley and Rebekah along with Natasha and Yelena help me plan my wedding with my momma Gemma of course I'm gonna ask both clay and jax to walk me down the aisle that would make me really happy my stepdad and my big brother two very important men in my life. I got out of bed and showered and I just put on a tank top and a band shirt and a pair of leggings today and my cowboy boots just keeping it very simple today I'm not gonna do any makeup but I am gonna do something with my hair because if I don't it'll be wild since my natural hair is not necessarily curly but more wavy as a kid it was naturally curly but my dad hated it so I usually straightened it and it causes it to be more wavy than curly (author here and that's the truth of what happened to my real life hair ) so i straightened it and then put my hair in a high pony tail. I go downstairs to my kitchen and start making breakfast I make simple bacon and egg and sausage and cheese breakfast sandwiches I made some for happy and I and he woke up an saw that I was making breakfast. I then texted clay and asked him if we are still gonna be spending some time together and he texted back and said if course angel . I'm really excited so I get ready to go an about fifteen minutes later I am at Gemma and clays house and I walk in and gave clay a hug and a kiss on his cheek and he kissed me on my cheek as well . We sit together and watch TV together and we eat lunch together as well momma Gemma made us a salad and bacon burgers and we had some chips as well and we sit together talking about everything and laughing I then said I wanna ask you something I said will you walk me down the aisle I'm gonna ask jax as well but I want you and him to both walk me down the aisle and he said yes he will and that makes me really happy I can't believe I'm engaged I'm living my best life and I can't imagine it going a different way I'm really happy. We spend another few hours together and I text Jax asking if I can come over and ask him something and he said sure . So I leave momma Gemma and daddy clay house and drive over to my big brothers house and ask him I get there and knock on the door and he answered and I said I had Something to ask you and I figured since I was already out and about since I was spending time with clay I figured I would just come over and ask you if that was alright and he said sure I said I want you to walk me down the aisle I asked Clay if he would but I wanted you both too because you are my big brother and a very important man In my life and he said yes he would and that made me really happy so I spend another hour there so I can spend time with Natasha and Jax as well as my nephew able. I get him to finally go to sleep and tell Natasha that we should have a mother daughter day as well and as Jax and Opie and I have a brother and sister day and they said okay I'm really happy about that I love spending time with people that I love I love spending time with my family. Once I get home I am gonna start making bacon cheeseburgers and a pasta salad for dinner and I can't wait I'm really hungry . I walk into the house and go upstairs to my room so I can change into something a little more comfortable I put on a nightgown and head downstairs to prepare for my dinner . I start to make the bacon since that takes the longest since I have to cook the entire packaging about forty minutes later all of dinner is cooked and I plate it and start to eat but I am gonna eat and watch my all time favorite movie grease because I wanna be able to relax . After dinner I clean up and I finish the movie then I head upstairs to go get some sleep I'm really tired and had a very busy day today plus happy is gonna come over tomorrow after his run so we can talk about him moving in here since we are getting married I get into bed after I plug my phone into the charger then I lay down and close my eyes and drift away.

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