Clay and Gemma pov

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Clays pov
Tonight at the barbeque Hannah has asked me to spend some time with her as her father as she said that she wanted some daddy daughter time with me and that makes me incredibly happy I know I'm not her actual father but I am the closest thing she has to one besides bucky so when she asked me if I wanted to spend time with her I was so happy I never really show my emotions to people besides my queen Gemma but Hannah will always be my little girl my little angel and I love her so much just like I love Gemma Hannah has grown up to be incredibly gorgeous and independent but I couldn't be happier that she wants to spend some time with her daddy . I also know she asked Gemma if she wanted to spend time with her as mother daughter time as well and I know that has made her estatic I know that with Hannah calling Natasha mom it does bother Gemma but she does at least understand that Natasha was there for Hannah when we couldn't be since she was take away from us. Natasha pretty much raised her from when she was four years old until she came back about a year ago and Natasha will always be like a mom to Hannah and we do understand that but it still hurts if that makes sense . So when Hannah called me daddy and when Hannah called Gemma momma it did make us really happy something we haven't felt in a very long time and I know the whole family feels our happiness things are getting better and I can't wait to see what the future holds I know that happy has asked Jax mine and Bucky's permission to ask Hannah to marry him I know that we are planning a surprise party or barbecue for that sometime soon so she will be engaged soon and I cant wait for that I'm glad she has become an old lady I'm glad she has happy.
Gemma pov
At the barbecue Hannah my beautiful daughter asked to spend some momma daughter time together and I of course said yes that makes me really happy that she wants to spend some time together . We're gonna go shopping and to go get lunch and our nails done Friday during the day because happy has a date night planned for her and then Saturday night we have that surprise happy has been planning for her and then Sunday clay and Hannah are gonna spend some daddy daughter time lots of family time so this week will be extra busy especially in the later half of the week . Now it's Monday and we just have to get through the week and then I'm free to spend time with my daughter which makes me happy I know she also has Natasha as a mother but I'm her real mom I'm her birth mother so as long as she treats me like a mom as well I dont care that she also calls Natasha mom . I mean she did take care of Hannah when I couldn't but I still want my job as mother as well . Hannah and I are currently working in the office and now it's lunch time and I see Natasha has brought us both salads and soup from our favorite restaurant and we thanked her I appreciated it I'm glad Jax and able have her she is a better old lady than Tara ever could be the only good thing about Tara though is that she has some medical training being a doctor an all but I know Natasha has some as well and I know that Hayley does as well so we will be fine anyways Hannah and I are sitting in the office laughing and talking an that makes me happy I love spending quality time with my daughter that's why I'm glad she said she will work at the office with us that makes me so happy . I cant wait for this to continue .

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