the party in New York

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I woke up in the morning and decided to shower before I eat breakfast I laid in bed trying to get more energy to fully wake up. I finally got out of bed after ten minutes I grabbed my towel and and clothes and hit the shower deciding that I wanna make everything smell like vanilla my shampoo conditioner body scrub body wash was all vanilla even my lotion and perfume. I got done after twenty five minutes now I'm drying my body and getting ready to put lotion on me. I get ready to dry my hair and then I get dressed just for now is a pair of leggings and a t shirt we have the party later so I will get ready for that later. I got to the kitchen and I said hello to everyone and they all said good morning today already feels like it'll be an amazing day and I can't wait for that. I check my phone while waiting for my eggs and bagel with cream cheese to get done and I see that no one back home messaged me I asked yelena if opie messaged her and then I asked if Jax messaged Natasha and they said no which I find weird like why haven't they messaged us we have messaged them but oh well I'm not gonna let it effect me while I'm here having fun with people who care about me. My breakfast was finally done being made so I sat done and got a cup of orange juice and I'm gonna start to eat.  I finish eating and I get up to do my dishes I would never leave them for some one else to do anyways Natasha said yelena and her are gonna help me get ready at 5 and I said that works out and is perfect I see it's 11:30 am so I still have all day so I spend some time in the lab with Tony and Bruce I really missed them they are my fun uncles after that I went and saw Pietro and Peter playing video games and I then asked them if I could watch and they said that's fine so I sat down watching the play Mario kart and we were all talking and laughing and I had a blast more fun than I have had in a while.  It was now 5:30 pm and Natasha and Yelena were helping me get ready I put on my dress and got my hair and makeup done I did yelena's makeup while Natasha did her hair we were just talking and laughing about old times it was really fun. Now it's 7 and we are done getting ready so now we go to get ready to go to the place we are having my birthday party. We finally show up and walk inside and I see everyone and I'm extremely happy we talk and laugh and eat tons of food and dance and have such fun. I take a lot of pictures so I can place them on my social media we finally left the party at midnight and went back to the towers and watched movies and ate popcorn and I had so much fun I miss having fun like this.

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