Gemma and clays pov

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We are here at the clubhouse planning Hannah's birthday party we are still not talking to her while they are in New York because we want everything to be a surprise and we don't want anything to ruin it so we just feel like not talking to her is the best option so we don't ruin the surprise but just because we aren't talking to her doesn't mean we don't check up on her social medias I look at all the pictures and I see that my daughter is incredibly beautiful I'm glad to see her life now since I missed so much of it due to it being taken from me I will say this I'm glad she has family like Natasha but I just am a little jealous that she calls her mom like I understand it Natasha raised her and helped her become the woman she is now but I'm also her mom and I don't get that love from her it's definitely difficult but I'm trying to accept it I mean I know I can't just take her away from Natasha and stop that relationship that is her mom just as much as I am and Hannah is an adult and can make her own choices I just wish she would also see me as her mom and not just Natasha but hopefully we are getting there . Looking at all the photos she took makes me happy that she was at least surrounded by lots of people who cared about her and she cared about them and she's not dealing with the drama here . The girls Tara Lyla and ima won't stop showing up and normally we have to come and kick them out they don't understand that happy Jax and Opie don't want them anymore and I don't know what I can do to make them see that they aren't wanted by those men and they also aren't wanted here maybe I'll have to just wait for Natasha yelena and Hannah to come home and kick their asses maybe then they will understand if not then they never will understand . Hannah doesn't deserve the drama and she also doesn't deserve that her birthday be ruined by all the drama that is completely unnecessary and none of it needs to happen Tara should have just stayed gone Jax told her that once she left back all that time ago when she was going for college he told her to just stay gone to me that's not hard to understand . As far as ima goes she doesn't understand that all the men here essentially had her when they were single Opie did before Lyla Jax did before Natasha and happy did too at one point but also tig chibbs and juice she tried to get with them all she's a patch chaser only wanting patched members not understanding at all that they only see her as a crow eater she will never be an old lady at least not to anyone here no one wants her like that and lyla she definitely isn't the best either she never wanted Opie around his kids always taking the chance to get him away from there she didn't like them and always tried to replace Donna I will say that it worked for a while until I talked to Opie and he finally saw that she doesn't care about his kids and that she doesn't want him around them and that she was trying to get rid of them he finally saw all the bad in her and then he broke up with her because of it. Ellie and Kenny are better of with yelena in their lives she will always remind the kids of donna and by that I mean she will never let them forget about her she's always with them no matter what.  We are now finishing the touches on the things we wanna do for Hannah's surprise party hopefully she likes it but I know she will it's simple but that's what matters if that makes sense.

Clay pov
Our baby girls party is almost done being planned  I cant wait to spend time with her for her birthday it's been a long time since we have been able to spend time with her for birthday but im glad we are able too this year. Looking at her pictures she's posted online she looks beautiful and happy I'm glad she's happy she deserves it after everything that has happened anyways the girls will be home in a day and a half and I'm very excited happy Gemma and I are gonna go get the girls from the airport and bring them home so they can get everything unpacked and then surprise them I can't wait to see Hannah's reaction .

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