a week back home in California

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I got home on Sunday from New York with Natasha and yelena , this week has been peaceful and relaxing  I have been helping momma Gemma at the clubhouse and spending time with everyone like Jax and Opie Gemma and Clay Tig and Chibs I'm also spending a lot of time with Juice and Halfsack or Kip which is his real name we have been hanging out having fun they are my best friends so we have just been chilling with the occasional going to get food and playing basketball an just talking and laughing they seriously are like brothers to me and I love and appreciate them for all that they do. It really makes me miss Pietro and Peter though but I'm glad I have so many supportive people in my life . I'm just relaxing and keeping busy when I am needed too if that makes sense . After we got home from the airport Ive been spending a lot of time with happy getting closer to him we make sure we eat dinner together every night that we can and cuddle and watch TV until we fall asleep in each other's arms I can honestly say that I am lucky to have him and that he's the only man who's ever made me feel this way this is my first actual serious relationship I've never been with anyone else besides him I know that's shocking but I guess that it is the way that it's supposed to be. Natasha has Jax and they are in love and Yelena has Opie and I'm glad they are in love and all of us our getting our happyily ever afters with our handsome men. Us three women have had horrible lives but this is the first time I can honestly say that I feel happy and safe. Anyways this week is rolling by fast today is Thursday which means tomorrow is Friday and the day that everyone says that they have a surprise for me I am thinking that maybe that they are trying to make up for missing my birthday I hope they just didn't forget it I hope they missed it because they were planning something for me that would be really nice and I would love that and not think that they just didn't remember my birthday. Right now yelena is out with Opie and Natasha is out with Jax I'm home alone cleaning because happy had to run back to Washington to visit his family but he will be back in time tomorrow anyways I'm in my own zone listening to music and cleaning I wanna make sure this place is spotless that's how I love to clean I don't really like dealing with messes. I'm a very clean person but with Natasha yelena and I being away for a week in New York there is lots of dust so I need to dust the house and vacuum it we have also been having lots of take out because we have been exhausted and getting back to normal so I need to go grocery shopping so we have a house hold full of food and drinks. I need to get back to normal after being away for a week I'm used to new york time now and it'll take a bit to get used to being back in California with the weather changes and the time changes if that makes sense . I'm listening to rock music at the moment but I love all kinds of music (real life here I really do listen to everything from 80s to country to pop to rap to rock to insane clown posse I grew up with it all ) I am listening to my Motley Crue and Guns n Roses playlist two of my favorite 80s bands along with Metallica and Rob Zombie . I get finished cleaning and now I'm getting ready to go to the store to do some grocery shopping I pick everything up that I'll need for the next two weeks and now I'm heading home again I put all the food and drinks away and now it's time to get some sleep I'm exhausted I can't wait to see what the surprise they have for me tomorrow but for now I'm going to get some sleep.

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