Natasha pov

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Jax has been trying to make it up to me for what he has done and I don't know how to feel . I'm usually very careful and don't let me feelings known and usually only trust a few people and then the one time I actually open up I get hurt like why is it always me I'm so sad about that I trusted him. Currently I'm just relaxing on my bed thinking about everything I know Yelena is as well because Opie hurt her as well and she doesn't trust easily at all she might be a little worse then me on that department. Hannah is currently hanging out with bucky having some daddy daughter time they went to a movie and then are gonna get some dinner. Hannah barely goes to the clubhouse anymore because she doesn't really wanna be around them but she still sees happy a lot their relationship has gotten a lot better since she forgave him and I'm glad she did she deserves to be happy and deserves the world and lots of love. I'm thinking about watching some criminal minds on Netflix so I can relax and possibly fall asleep it's been really hard on me lately all these feelings and all these emotions I don't know what to do. Like my heart wants to forgive him and move on so we can be happy and in love but the other part of my heart and also my head is saying not to forgive just yet because we don't know if he will end up doing that again and going back to Tara I know that they have history together and I understand that was him first love but he also needs to understand she left him over ten years ago and just now comes back hoping to get him back and get in his good graces again like nothing ever happened like she didn't leave him on his own for over ten years like nothing she did was wrong . I don't understand why he can't see it that way I hope he does I think we could be a real cute and amazing couple he just needs to see that tara is bad news and nothing good will come of her being here it'll only bring heartache pain and suffering and the drama that's not needed will be there because of her. People will get hurt with her around and people protecting her will get everyone in trouble especially since she has getting close to a guy that wants the club in prison I think his name is John kohn or something I don't know but all I do know is nothing good will come of that. Yelena asked if I wanted to get food and I said I can cook for us if you want she said sure I said I can do some chicken and baked mac and cheese so that's what I did I baked the Mac and cheese and I baked the chicken and made a side salad and we sat around talking about everything under the sun just like old times when we had family dinners back to happier times we had so much fun laughing and finally bucky and Hannah came home she ran and hugged me and said hey momma and she ran and hugged yelena and said hi aunt yelena I love you guys . We love you too sweet pea I hope you and your dad had a great day and she said we did I had so much fun spending time with him he makes everything better. Hannah then asked if she can have a mother daughter day tomorrow and I said sure and then she went to her room and went to sleep after I finished eating I got up and did the dishes then headed for my shower laid in bed and relaxed watching more criminal minds now I'm falling asleep hopefully I get some good sleep tonight and tomorrow mother daughter day will be a success and I hope it takes stress off of us both.

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