Chapter 22

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!!!!!!See External Link for Visuals of Enhancements!!!!!!

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

Patrick wakes up suddenly in a lot of pain. His shoulders, arms, the top of his hands, his wrists, and his fingers are incredibly sore, raw and feel like they are on fire. He's covered in sweat, his clothes are stuck to him, and he feels awful. His head is pounding, he's dizzy and he is extremely nauseous. He rubs his hands over his eyes and face.

"Fuck." Then he rolls over on his side for a second before trying to push himself up to a sitting position. When he rolls onto his arm, he almost jumps to the ceiling from the pain he feels radiating up and down his arm, hand and fingers and cries out.

"Owww! Fuck! Why do my arms hurt so bad?" He pushes himself up to a sitting position.

He is about to look down at his arms when he immediately feels sick from the sedation and whatever it was that Gabe gave him, and runs to the toilet to puke. He empties his stomach contents into the toilet multiple times. His arms are on top of the toilet seat and he rests his head on them between bouts of vomiting. He pukes a few more times and thinks he may be done. He's not even puking up anything but bile now. It burns his throat coming up. It feels like the worst heartburn on the planet. Since it appears he might be almost done, he takes a second and looks at his arms, hands, and fingers and sees words, pictures, and rings.

"What the fuck are these?" He asks. Before he can inspect them further, he pukes a few more times, the bile burning his throat and mouth.

"Ugh! Ok. Now I think I'm done." He says as he sits back to really examine the words, images, and the rings on his arms, hands and fingers.

Both of his arms are completely covered in images and words from his shoulders down to his wrists. On his upper right arm, he sees the face of a skull with deep, sunken eyes. It looks like it is stitched together on the forehead and there are what look like bolts sticking out of it. Its mouth is hanging open with jagged teeth and its cheeks have vertical fractures from the eye sockets to the bottom of its jaw. It has chin-length hair and is wearing a crown of thorns. It takes up most of his upper arm. It's kind of terrifying. The next thing he sees below the skull are the words "Punk" and "Bitch" one below the next written horizontally in a fancy, cursive script. There is a spider web on the back of his elbow that covers it completely and wraps around the sides of his arm. Then there are the words "June Bug" and "Prison Pocket" sideways facing out on the top part of his lower arm in the fancy writing. Below that above and on his right wrist, he sees what appears to be a butterfly. Each of the wings are a skeleton skull down to the neckbone facing in on each side where they connect to the body of the butterfly. When he looks at the inside of his right arm, he sees more. Starting at the top of the inside of his right arm in his armpit, he sees an odd image. It appears to be two sticks of dynamite upside down with the part that would be lit on the bottom. On top of the sticks of dynamite there appears to be round caps with tacks sticking out of them. The sticks of dynamite are held together in the middle by a metal piece with wings coming out of each side that curl up and around the tops of the dynamite. The whole outside is surrounded by fire and at the bottom of the parts that would be lit there are the words "Certain" and "Death." Next, he sees the words "Gump" above the spiderweb on his elbow and Fuckboy" in the crease of his elbow horizontally facing down, followed by what looks like a steampunk dragon with its wings out on either side. Its body has a large orb in center of it. Then he sees "Prison-Dime" and "Foo-Foo" on top of each other horizontally. Finally on the inside of his wrist, he sees two skulls facing forehead to forehead. One appears to have horns and the bat-like wings of the devil coming out from behind it. The other has a halo and wings of an angel behind it. It is facing sideways and down so it is facing him. On the outside of his lower arm, he finds the word "Ankle-Grabber" facing down and out. It goes from his outer wrist to his elbow spiderweb.

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