Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

********Trigger Warning for Drug Use and Mentions of Graphic Violence and Rape********

When Dr. Woodard walks back into Patrick's room to check on him, he finds that Patrick is sound asleep. He was hoping that he'd be able to do the CT scan and the MRI, but he can't really do that right now with Patrick asleep. He'll give him some more time and come back later. The poor guy has been through so much and he must be exhausted from everything. He decides to let him sleep and come back in two hours. He still hasn't heard from Spencer so he figures he will still be here for a while, which is totally fine. Spencer needed a nice, long break after everything that happened, and he really didn't mind staying longer. If he had to guess, he would say that Spencer would be back later this afternoon, or in the early evening. Dr. Woodard leaves Patrick's room and returns to Spencer's office to go over Patrick's blood work. He opens the files and studies them. Everything appears to be normal. Patrick's iron is low, and he is slightly anemic. He's not bad enough to need a blood transfusion though, so Dr. Woodard orders a series of iron infusions. It looks like he will need six bags to get him back in the normal range. Dr. Woodard is about to tell the nurses to start the iron infusions when the phone in Spencer's office rings.

"Hello?" He answers.

"You don't sound like Spencer. Is he there?" The man asks.

"That is because I'm not Spencer. I'm Dr. Woodard. I took over for him last night so that he could go home for a while and have a break. The poor man could barely see straight." He explains.

"Oh! That's right. I'm sorry, I totally forgot about that. Anyway, this is the Warden, Andy Hurley. I was just calling to see how Patrick was doing. I'm swamped with meetings all day, otherwise I would come and visit him." Andy says.

"Hello, Andy. Patrick is doing much better today. He's still in a lot of pain, but it is down from yesterday. I am going to do a CT scan and MRI of his abdomen, but he is sleeping right now. His iron levels are low, so I'm going to give him a series of iron infusions to get that back up. There's not much else to report." Dr. Woodard informs him.

"That's really good to hear. He was in really bad shape a few days ago. Please tell him that I called and that I'm happy he is doing better. Again, I would visit if I could. Do you have any idea when Spencer is coming back?" Andy asks.

"Not really. I told him to take as long as he needed. My guess is that he will be back later this afternoon or in the early evening. He said he'd call when he was on his way back." Dr. Woodard answers.

"Are you ok with staying that long? Do you need someone to relieve you before that?" Andy asks.

"Yes. I'm fine. It's not like there is a ton of stuff going on here. If I get tired, I will take a nap on one of the couches in Spencer's office. Let him take the time he needs. He's no good to anyone unless he is well rested, and his mind is sharp. I will be fine." He replies.

"Alright. Please make sure you log all your hours so that you get paid for all this time. Thanks for helping out." Andy mentions.

"Not a problem at all. I will log all my hours and turn them into you and Dr. Childers. You are most welcome!" He responds and hangs up the phone.

Then he goes to tell the nurses to start the iron infusions.


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