Chapter 52

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Author's Note

I want to take a moment to say that I watched Patrick's medley performance from Milwaukee that he dedicated to his friend, Casey Benjamin, who he'd toured with during Soul Punk and had recently and unexpectedly died. While it was very sad to watch and Patrick had trouble getting through it, I was glad to see that he felt comfortable enough to be that raw and vulnerable on stage. He made it much longer that I would've. I felt so bad for him! I was also impressed by all of the support he received from the fans and his bandmates. It was a beautiful tribute to his friend. Rest in Peace Casey Benjamin! I also hope that, once the tour is over, Patrick will be able to take the time he needs to properly grieve the loss of his friend.

Chapter 52

*******Trigger Warning for Graphic Violence*******

Joe and Dan are busy planting different annual flowers outside for most of their time at work. Joe enjoys the simple act of gardening. He plants seeds, bulbs, or flowers and they become something so beautiful. It is also a great way to focus your nervous energy into something productive. Right now, Joe is trying to bleed out his frustration with Patrick's situation and his excitement of getting to beat those fuckers that did it to a fucking pulp. He's happy that Patrick is doing better, but those fuckers deserve everything they are going to get and so much more. He smiles at that thought and continues planting. When they are out of flowers to plant, they have to go get more from the warehouse that all of their plants, flowers, tools and any other outdoor maintenance vehicles live. It's Joe's turn to go get more, so he is on his way to the warehouse, but decides that he needs to stop inside and pee first. When he goes inside, he happens to run into Alex and his men who appear to be heading back to their side of the prison. They were probably on the other side of the prison doing a job for Sawyer. When Alex sees Joe, he gestures for his men to go ahead without him.

"Hey Alex!" Joe exclaims.

"Hey Joe! What are you up to?" Alex asks.

"Well, I'm technically still at work and I'm supposed to be going back to the warehouse to get more flowers to plant, but I had to pee, so I ducked inside for a minute." Joe explains.

"Ah! Yes. Peeing is important. Have you been to see Patrick since yesterday? How's he doing?" Alex asks.

"Yeah. A few of us were allowed to visit him late that night after he came out of surgery and was awake. He's still in so much pain. Spencer has him so hopped up on fentanyl that he's pretty spacy. It's weird. He has moments where you can have an actual conversation with him, and then other times he's just goofy happy and laughing his ass off at reruns of South Park. I mean, I can't even imagine the amount of pain he must've suffered during the experience, and now that the damage has been fixed, I'm sure there is even more pain from everything trying to heal. He's in good spirits though. Spencer said he had a bad flashback when they went to check his incisions. I feel so bad for him. He's such a nice guy and didn't deserve any of what Jesus, Earnesto, Mateo and the rest of Earnesto's men did to him." Joe tells him.

"Woah, wait. Who is Mateo? I only knew about Earnesto and his men and the gang leader, Jesus." Alex asks.

"Oh right. I just recently found out about Mateo. Mateo is Earnesto's right-hand man. He's a sleezy slime ball of a man whose loyalties change constantly to benefit himself. He's also got a very violent side to him from what I understand. Mateo was the one that suggested that everyone should gangbang Patrick, instead of Earnesto just raping him like he tried to do the first time." Joe informs him.

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