Chapter 38

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!!!!!!!Writer's Note!!!!!!!!

I went back and made a few changes to the previous chapter, so you may want to look it over before you read this one. I totally forgot that all of Patrick's piercings would have needed to be removed before doing the MRI scan of his head, since they use giant magnets. That is what I added, so Spencer tells the nurse to remove them and then reinsert them afterward, but his face is so swollen that she can't get them back in except the one in his tongue. Gabe finds out and asks what happened so Spencer tells him and he isn't happy at all. By the time the swelling goes down, the new holes will have closed. He plans on redoing each piercing immediately after he is released and he plans on punishing Patrick for removing them at that point as well.  That leads us to where we start in this chapter.

Chapter 38

*******Trigger Warning for Graphic Depictions of Violence and Mentions of Rape*******

When he is finished talking, Patrick looks at everyone around the room. Everyone appears to be dumbfounded and shocked by his story. Even Gabe and Brad looked shocked by it. It is really quiet for a few minutes. Patrick sees looks of shock, awe, guilt, anger, and even some pity regarding what had happened to him. He can't really blame them. It was a horrid, scary, painful, and degrading experience. He's honestly not sure how he is still alive after all of it. Patrick is an emotional mess after describing everything. He was exhausted after all of that, and his pain was getting worse by the minute. He looks up at Brad through the endless tears forming in his eyes and falling down his cheeks.

"Are we done now? There is nothing more to tell you. I'm exhausted after reliving all of that, my head is pounding, the room is spinning, I feel nauseous, and I'm in so much pain, that I can barely stay awake. Please tell me we are done now." Patrick states.

Brad turns off the recording device, makes some notes on the paperwork, and then looks up at Patrick.

"Yes. We are done. Thank you for telling us. I know it wasn't easy." Brad says.

"No, it wasn't. Spencer, can I have the rest of my pain medication now and anything else I might need to make me comfortable?" Patrick asks through the tears running down his face.

"Yes, of course. Just give me a moment. I will be right back." Spencer answers and goes to get the morphine and the other drugs that he needs.

Patrick is still visibly uncomfortable. He keeps shifting around trying to get somewhat comfortable. Pretty much everyone is still sitting there completely shocked at what happened.

Spencer returns a few minutes later with everything. He measures out the amount of morphine and injects it into Patrick's IV along with whatever else he was giving him. Patrick starts to feel the effects of the morphine and he feels the pain mostly go away. It is also enough to make him sleepy. He closes his eyes and drifts off into dreamland, hoping it isn't full of flashbacks of what happened.


Once he is unconscious, people start coming out of their stupors. Spencer is the first person to say something.

"That was a horrible ordeal! I can't even imagine what that felt like! No wonder he is in so much pain, after being raped thirty-three times! I'm surprised he is still alive after something like that. It also explains why there is so much damage! I don't even know what to say after that!" Spencer says loudly.

Joe is the next to speak.

"Jesus! He was raped thirty-three times? Fuck! The poor guy! He didn't deserve any of that! I can't imagine what he is feeling right now. He even apologized and they still did that to him? What monsters! I feel so guilty! I wish I could've been there to save him!" He says through the tears streaming down his face.

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