Chapter 54

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*******Author's Note********

Happy Friday Everyone! I hope you all have had a good week. Mine has been pretty awful. Yesterday we had to unexpectedly put our 13 year old sweet, wonderful cat, Edgar, to sleep. We had been told that he had an enlarged heart and were waiting to do additional tests. We didn't catch it early, which wasn't good, but he was happy and enjoying his life so we were going to let him live out his life unless it could be treated by medication. Three days ago, he was completely fine still eating, playing, wanting to lay on your lap, get petted and purr, but then something happened overnight where he was getting lethargic, secluding himself, and making terrible sounds. I called the vet the next day to see if there was anything we could do, but they said that Edgar had thrown a blood clot due to his heart condition, it got lodged somewhere and he was in extreme pain. He said the prognosis wasn't good and he recommended euthanasia. It was a very hard decision, but we didn't want him to be in pain anymore, so we made the decision to say goodbye. He will be very sorely missed! I would attach a picture of him, but I don't know how to do that.

Then to top things off, one of the members of my band decided to quit today. This week just keeps getting better and better. Anyways, I hope your week was better than mine.

As always, please enjoy, tell your friends, and if you like it, please feel free to leave me kudos, leave a comment, or vote on my story. If you'd like to talk to me directly, you can find me on tumblr @dancecoaster. Happy reading!

Chapter 54

******Trigger Warning for Graphic Violence******

Spencer has been working for almost two days straight without any breaks. He is getting very tired and is starting to feel like a zombie while he is working. Now that Patrick is out of the woods, at least for now, he decides it is time for him to go home for a bit so he can sleep in his own bed without being interrupted. He also hasn't really showered except for after Patrick's last surgery, and he feels kind of nasty and his teeth are starting to feel pretty furry by now. There's just one problem. If he leaves, who will take his place and take care of Patrick while he is gone? Their only other doctor they have is currently lying in a bed in sickbay and is too injured and drugged-up to be of much help. Spencer's head is starting to get a little cloudy from lack of sleep and food, so he tries to brainstorm ideas, but his brain is not helping him at all. The only idea he can come up with is calling the hospital and seeing if there are any doctors currently free and might be able to come to the prison for a shift to give him a break. Before he does that though, he needs to get it ok'd with Andy. He hopes that he hasn't already left for the day, as he picks up his phone and calls Andy's office.

"Warden's office. How may I direct your call?" Wendy asks.

"Hey Wendy, it's Spencer. Has Andy left for the day yet?" Spencer asks.

"Um...let me check. I'll be right back." Wendy says as she places him on hold to go check Andy's office and see if he is still there.

Spencer waits on hold for a few minutes.

"Hello, Spencer? Are you still there?" Wendy asks.

"Yes. I'm still here. Well?" Spencer asks.

"You are lucky. You caught him just before he was about to leave. I'll transfer you to his office." Wendy replies.

The phone rings in Andy's office and he answers.

"Hello?" Andy asks.

"Hey Andy, it's Spencer. I'm glad I caught you before you left. I need to get something authorized by you if you have a second." Spencer states.

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