Chapter 49

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Author's Note

Hello!  I usually don't post authors notes with this story but I wanted to explain something before you read this chapter.  This week, we are also introduced to a new character in this chapter. I may have mentioned him in the previous chapter, but we learn more about him now.

I'm actually kind of excited about this character and here is why. When I was writing this chapter, I was unfairly fired from my job teaching voice lessons at a well-known school of music for kids. My boss had asked me to come in a few minutes before my shift and when I asked why, he told me that I hadn't done anything wrong. Before I continue, I had been begging my boss for more hours for over a year and I'd given him multiple days and hours that worked for me, but he'd always come up with some excuse as to why those days and times wouldn't work. I will also say, that I have more education in teaching and vocal technique than anyone in the entire school. I'm a trained opera singer who sings other kinds of music as well, I have three degrees in vocal performance and teaching and I've been teaching voice out of my home studio for 14+ years. So, he has me come in early, takes me into a room and tells me that he is terminating my employment due to a lack of availability. I mentioned that I'd been asking for more hours and again, he presented me with every excuse in the book why they wouldn't work. He said I could have two more weeks to tell my students that I was fired. I told him that I didn't see the point in staying here anymore, and he seemed very surprised that I wasn't going to stay and work my shift. I walked out and never returned. I was pretty upset, hurt, and pissed though. I've never been fired from a job in my entire life!

So, to deal with my feelings, I decided to make my boss a character in my story, make him a very stupid, horrible person, and do horrible things to him. His real name is Matthew, so his name in this story is Mateo, so it works with what is going on. It's been very cathartic and very fun! Anyways, Here is the new chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter 49

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Mentions of Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

Patrick feels very groggy as he slowly wakes up the next morning. His head still feels like there is a cloud sitting on top of it. As he opens his eyes, he sees that not much has changed. He is still in his bed and Brad is sitting in the corner. The cloud is most likely from the fentanyl that hasn't worn off yet. He notices that he does feel better than he did when he went to sleep last night. He looks down at his arms and notices the bruises and bite marks are healed. Then he checks the rest of his body over and finds the same thing, everything has healed. I'm pretty sure Brad and Gabe had something to do with this. I'm not complaining, but there is no way I made this much progress on my own. Although the outside of him looked and felt better, the insides left something to be desired. He can tell that some of it has healed, but since the damage was so much worse than they expected, there is still quite a lot left. He feels like some of the broken ribs may have healed themselves. He thinks his head feels a little better too, since the room isn't currently spinning, he's not as sensitive to light, and he is able to focus on things a little better. Overall, he is still experiencing a great deal of pain though and he can tell that the fentanyl has almost worn off.

His thoughts are interrupted with Clara entering his room. She is very awake and happy for it being so early. She is also carrying a tray that appears to have breakfast on it. He is really hungry since he barely ate anything yesterday because of the surgeries. She pulls the table that goes over his bed over, sets the tray down and moves the table over his bed. He immediately begins stuffing his face with everything on the plate, like a ravenous wolf.

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