Chapter 26

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!!!!!!See External Link for Visuals of Enhancements!!!!!!

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

When Patrick wakes up, his throat and tongue hurt and feel like they are on fire. He remembers the tongue piercing last night. It is super swollen today and it feels heavy with the weight of large balls that are on top and below his tongue. It hurt so bad! His back, neck, and lower belly are super sore to the point where it hurts to touch them or move. Even his clothes hurt. His feet are aching too. It feels like there are bandages on them, but the bandages feel warm and wet, so he knows they are still bleeding. It hurts to put any weight on them. He crawls to the toilet because he feels sick and starts puking again. Joe comes to help him, puts a hand on his shoulder and Patrick screams in pain. Joe pulls his hand back and sees what looks like a snake's head running all the way up the back of Patrick's neck to where his hairline starts. Patrick vomits a few more times until he feels like there is nothing left.

Joe asks, "are you sure you are done puking?"

Patrick sits there for a minute. "Yes. I'm almost positive I'm done." Patrick answers.

Joe looks at Patrick for a second. He doesn't quite sound like himself. It's kind of hard to understand him and it sounds like he has a lisp now. Should I say something? Probably not.

"Alright. Why don't you stand up and go sit on your bed." Joe instructs.

"Um, there may be a problem, Joe. I can't stand right now." Patrick says.

"Ok...why not? Joe asks.

"Gabe deeply cut the bottoms of both of my feet with a scalpel any time I didn't answer a question the way I was supposed to, or if I passed out from the pain. It hurts to put any weight on them." Patrick shows Joe the cuts on both of his feet.

"Ok. I will help you to your bed so we can talk more." Joe says.

He picks up Patrick bridal style and places him in a sitting position and then pulls a chair over so he is sitting near Patrick's bed.

"Tell me exactly what happened after they took you last night." Joe says.

Patrick hates how hard it is for him to talk. He talks with a definite lisp now, and Patrick hates the sound of it.

"Brad came to escort me to wherever we were going." Patrick says.

I need to say something.

"Before you continue, you don't sound like yourself and it is really hard to understand you. Why?" Joe asks.

Patrick takes a deep breath and then he opens up his mouth and shows Joe the tongue piercing. The stud above and below his tongue are huge and the rod connecting them is also very thick and huge. It made a humongous hole through his tongue and must've been incredibly painful. His tongue is super swollen around the piercing. Joe was not expecting that at all.

"Holy Shit, Patrick! What the fuck? Did you let him do that to you?" Joe asks.

"Fuck No! I fought like hell! He used some kind of mind control when he did it. He told me to look into his eyes and I turned my head away, so he had Theodore turn my head so it was facing him. Then I squeezed my eyes shut, and he told Shane to hold my eyelids open. After that, I found my body doing whatever he told me to do. I was screaming and fighting like hell in my head and body, but it wouldn't do what I was telling it to do. He can control me and my actions and it scares the shit out of me!" Patrick answers.

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