Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Mentions of Graphic Violence and Rape*******

Joe is returned to his cell after shower time by the guard with the huge stick up his ass. To say that he is annoying is an understatement. Joe tried to ask him if he knew anything more about Patrick and the guard just looked at him like he had a hole in his head. His answer was weird. He had said that he didn't believe that Joe was privy to that information, even though Joe is Patrick's cell mate. This is pretty bad, but it almost made Joe miss Brad in some fucked up sort of way. Brad was an asshole, but at least he would comment or talk about things. The guard he had now wouldn't even talk to him unless he was ordering Joe to so something. Joe had had enough of him the moment he'd met him. It was kind of pissing Joe off. Why'd he get stuck with the fucking rookie? Joe takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He had more important things to think about, like how his cell mate was doing after his surgery, or how he is supposed to be involved in Gabe's plan for revenge. He really hoped he got greater clarity of that, other than we will put you in a room with these people and you can beat the shit out of them. Joe was actually excited about that part. He would make Earnesto and Jesus pay for their treatment of his friend. He really hoped he would be allowed to beat them to the point that they were wishing for death. His plan was to cause maximum damage and maximum pain and suffering so that they got a taste for what Patrick had been through.

Joe checks the time and sees that it is almost time for breakfast. There isn't enough time for him to do anything, so he reads his book until Guard Stick-up-his-ass returns to take him to breakfast. The guard bangs on the bars to get his attention.

"Inmate Trohman, it is time for breakfast, please make your way to the front of your cell." Guard Stick-up-his-ass says.

Joe takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes before he walks to the front of his cell. The Guard pushes the button to open the door.

"Please step out of the cell!" the Guard yells at him.

Joe steps out of the cell. Deep breaths, Joe. He is an annoying little prick, but you need to keep your cool around him.

Guard-stick-up-his-ass presses the button to close the door and grabs Joe's arm tightly, a lot tighter than necessary.

"You will follow me!" The Guard yells.

Joe is about over this, but he keeps his mouth shut and lets the guard pull him to the mess hall. Joe opens the door and enters the food line. It's not too long this time, so he stands in line, looking around the room to see if there is anything going on that he should know about. So far, he hasn't seen anything, which is good. He looks over to where the Nuestra Familia is hanging out and smiles. They have no idea what is coming, and Joe is going to be so glad to see their pretentious smiles smacked off their faces. He finally reaches the end of the food line, so he makes his way to the different stations, grabs his food, and then leaves to find a table and wait for Dan. Joe is kind of going nuts not having anyone to talk to. It isn't long before Dan joins him.

"Hey, Joe! How are you doing today?" Dan asks.

"Honestly, I'm ok, but I got this super rookie guard who has this huge stick up his ass today. He won't talk to me at all except to yell orders at me like I'd deaf or something. He is really getting on my nerves and I kind of want to slap him. How are you today?" Joe asks.

"I'm fine too. I'm just worried about Patrick. Have you heard anything today?" Dan asks.

"No, not yet. I asked my stick-up-his-ass guard, and he told me that I wasn't privy to that information, even though I'm Patrick's cell mate, the fucker." Joe explains.

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