Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use and Graphic Violence*******

Patrick feels himself slowly regaining consciousness. He wonders how long he was out. When he opens his eyes, he is laying on his right side and it appears Gabe is working on another tattoo on the right side of his neck. This one doesn't hurt quite as much as the one on the front did, at least for now. He feels like he is still reliving the electric shocks, and they were way worse than this.

Gabe notices that he is awake and smiles at him. "Welcome back, Sugar! We almost lost you there. Do you feel better now?"

Patrick tries to answer but he remembers he is paralyzed and can't do anything but blink his eyes. He blinks once for yes.

"Oh good! You want to know what happened right?" he asks.

Patrick blinks once for yes. He sees Gabe shoot a death glare at Brad.

"Well, you see, I told Brad that he could feed off of the wound on your foot. He decided that wasn't good enough and proceeded to bite your foot and drain you of ¾ of your blood. I didn't want to give you more of my blood today, but I had to, or you would've died. He has been dealt with and I assure you, it won't happen again, right Brad?" he asks as he gives Brad the stink-eye.

"Yes. It won't happen again." Brad replies.

Patrick's eyes go wide. He almost died? What the fuck? Gabe notices that Patrick is still a bit foggy from his trip.

"I'll give you a half-hour reprieve to get your head together before we start the questions again." He says and then continues working on the tattoo.

Patrick is glad for this. His head is still very foggy from the blood loss and the trip. He lays there for a bit as his brain seems to come back to him. The pain is getting much worse on his neck. It feels so raw and sore as Gabe adds more to it. My body has been through so much today, both in real life and in my trip. I don't know how much more I can take. The questions begin again and he is still having problems focusing on anything other than the pain that he is feeling. He must answer some correctly though, because Gabe hasn't stabbed him in the foot with a scalpel yet. His whole body feels restless and fried at the same time. It must be time for shading now, because the pain at least triples. He's fighting to stay awake again soon enough. The human body wasn't meant to process this much pain in a day, whether it was given vampire blood or not. He lays there for what seems like a long time, but he can't fight it anymore and passes out again. Gabe hasn't noticed yet, but soon enough, Patrick feels an electric shock like the one in his hallucination and is jolted back to being awake. He sees Gabe holding the taser and smiling at him.

"Stay awake, Sugar. Otherwise, not so pleasant things happen to you." He says and goes back to what he was doing.

Patrick feels tears form in his eyes and they roll down his cheeks when he blinks. The saltwater burns when it hits the raw skin that Gabe is working on and his eyes go wide. He'd be jumping out of his skin if he could move right now. Then he misses a question and feels Gabe stab him in the foot again, but this time he licks it and it closes. Patrick lays there for what feels like hours, fighting to stay conscious when Gabe stops.

"Alright Sugar, we are done with this one. Do you need a break?" Patrick blinks once for yes. Thank God! If he could talk right now, he would be begging for some reprieve. "Ok. Justin, help me move him over to his left side." Gabe orders. Justin comes and grabs Patrick's legs and pushes them over to the other side. Then he does the same with his upper body. Now Patrick is laying on his left side dreading the pain that is coming next. He starts to cry. Please God, kill me now! I can't take any more of this! My poor body has been kidnapped, almost sexually assaulted, burned, blistered, shocked, stabbed, fed on, almost died and raped. Please end this for me now! Of course, nothing happens, but a guy can dream right?

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