Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Depictions of Violence, and Rape*******

Spencer has finally finished the exam and the rape kit is finished. It will be sent off to the lab to try and identify the prisoners that raped him, so they can be properly dealt with. Patrick is still unconscious, and all of the color is gone from his skin. Since all the evidence has been taken, now they can try to clean him up a bit and see the extent of the damage that was done. He reeks of vomit and is still covered in blood.

"Nurse, would you please clean him up as best as you can?" Spencer asks.

"Yes, doctor." They respond.

While they are doing that, Spencer orders an MRI of Patrick's head and back end, as well as a battery of other tests, schedules a surgery to repair the damage from the rape, and sets up the surgery to repair the stab wounds. Call it what it was, Spencer. He was gangbanged. It didn't appear that Patrick had any internal bleeding this time around. Spencer doesn't want to say that he was lucky this time, considering the whole gangbang thing, but the stab wounds could've been so much worse.

When the nurse wheels Patrick's bed back into the room, he can really see a lot more bruises, signs from being choked, and bite marks than he could before. Patrick has been changed into a hospital gown and smells much better. They have placed pillows under his bottom to make him more comfortable.

"Nurse, please place an IV, so that we can give him some pain medication, and antibiotics, just in case one of the people that raped him had an STI (sexually transmitted infection). Please catharize him and empty his bladder as well, so we can keep an eye on his urine production. Once that is finished, I have an MRI set up for his head and bottom, so that we can see the extent of the damage. You will need to remove all of his piercings before doing the MRI.  There is also one through his tongue.  Try to reinsert them after that part is done.  I don't want him getting in trouble for taking them out.  Please take him there for that." Spencer tells them.

"Yes, doctor." They reply.

When the MRI results come back, Spencer looks over them. There were many bumps on Patrick's head when he came in, so he was expecting to see signs of a bad concussion, and he was right. There is a lot of swelling inside Patrick's head, but not enough to cause any brain damage. He will just feel awful after he wakes up. The MRI of Patrick's bottom, however, showed a lot more damage than he had expected. Spencer is actually surprised that Patrick survived the attack at all after looking at the damage. Patrick will need a much more involved surgery to repair that. He had basically been torn apart on the inside. Spencer decides that this is outside of his wheelhouse, so he contacts a specialist for this surgery. It turns out that the specialist can perform the surgery tomorrow morning at the prison. Spencer will assist him. He can't even imagine the amount of pain that Patrick was in while the attack was happening. Hell, he's probably still in a ton of pain from all the damage! Spencer will make sure that he gets a good amount of pain medication to make him comfortable. After all that he has been through, he deserves that, at least. Since Patrick is stable for now and the specialist isn't available until tomorrow morning, Spencer decides they can wait until morning before they begin the surgeries. Patrick is placed into one of the private rooms so that they can monitor his condition. It has been hours, and he hasn't regained consciousness yet, which concerns Spencer a bit. His body has been through absolute hell, so it makes sense that he may be unconscious longer than normal. Truth be told, Spencer has no idea when he is going to wake up.

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