Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Mentions of Rape*******

Once Brad sees the warden leave Patrick's room and sick bay, he called another guard to sick bay to take his place so that he can relay the information to Gabe. The new guard shows up, Brad orders him to always stay with Stump and protect him if need be. Then he leaves sick bay, looks at the time, and knows Gabe will be at breakfast in the mess hall. Before he goes there though, he decides he will go to Trohman's cell and escort him there, so it looks like he is doing his job and not just going to see Gabe. When Brad gets there, he bangs on the bars of the cell.

"Yo! Trohman! It's time for breakfast. Let's go!" Brad yells.

Trohman hears this and heads toward the front of the cell. It is obvious that he has been crying for quite a while. Brad presses the button to open the cell, Trohman steps out, and then he presses the button to close the cell. Trohman appears to be going through the motions. His mind is somewhere else entirely. They walk in silence for most of the way there. Brad decides to break the awkward tension.

"I have good news, Trohman. Your cell mate had one surgery this morning. Now he is awake and accepting visitors until the specialist comes to perform the second surgery. Would you like to see him after breakfast?" Brad asks.

Trohman looks up at Brad, trying to decide if he is telling the truth.

"If that is really the case, then yes. I would like to see him. If you are just fucking with me just so you can rub it in my face, then no." Trohman answers.

"I'm not fucking with you. He is awake and taking visitors. In fact, the Warden just left from there." Brad says.

"Ok. Yes, I would like to visit him after breakfast. Can Dan come too?" Trohman asks.

"I don't see why not." Brad replies.

They continue walking until they reach the mess hall. Trohman heads to the food line, so Brad goes looking for Gabe. He looks in the back left corner where Gabe usually hangs out, and he is there talking to his men. If Brad had to guess, Gabe is explaining his plan for revenge to them. Brad makes eye contact with Gabe and nods his head in the direction of their meeting room. Gabe acknowledges Brad, so he heads toward the meeting room. He will meet Gabe there. A few minutes later, Gabe enters the room. Brad closes and locks the door.

"I'm guessing that you have news about Sugar." Gabe says.

"Yes. His first surgery went well. It took a bit longer because when they went in, the damage was worse than Dr. Smith thought there was. From what I understand, he was able to fix all the damage, but he did say that Stump would be in more pain because of this, as it heals. Stump is awake and taking visitors. The Warden visited him earlier. He seemed pretty broken up about Stump's condition. He spent an hour in Dr. Smith's office before he finally left sick bay to go back to his office. Now they are waiting for the specialist, Dr. Franz, to show up and then they will do the second surgery. He got hung up in an emergency surgery at the hospital, so Dr. Smith is estimating that he will be four hours late. You have until then to visit him. I also informed Trohman of this and he wants to visit him after breakfast. He asked if he could bring his friend Dan with him, and I said yes." Brad informs him.

"That's great news, Brad! I too would like to visit him after breakfast. You may escort all of us to sick bay after breakfast. I want to give him more of my blood in small doses to help him recover quicker. I'm sure you can find a way to make that happen." Gabe says.

"Yes, boss. I saw you talking to your men. Was it about your plan for justice?" Brad asks.

"Yes. I don't have all the details ironed out yet, but we were discussing their place in those plans. I will call a gang meeting later today to help finalize everything. Have you had a chance to figure out how many vampires are currently in the prison?" Gabe asks.

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