Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use and Graphic Violence*******

Brad takes his time getting back to sick bay, since it will still be a while before Stump wakes up. He is hungry again, so he figures he will take care of that before he goes back. He wonders who Gabe has been feeding off of, since Stump hasn't been available lately. He's pretty sure he remembers Gabe revealing himself to Shane after he tried to make a move on Stump. That makes sense. Right now, Brad only cares about securing his next meal. He sticks his nose up in the air and inhales to see what is nearby. There are quite a few to choose from. Brad is craving something sweet, and someone smells like blackberries and raspberries, so he isolates which human that the scent is coming from and follows the smell to the human. The human appears to be alone in his cell, which works out for Brad, so he approaches the human's cell and bangs on the bars to get them to come forward. The human does come up to the front of the cell as planned.

"Who are you? You aren't my normal guard." They ask.

"I'm Brad. Your guard is currently busy, and you have a meeting that requires your presence, so he asked me if I could take you." Brad informs him.

The inmate rolls his eyes, annoyed.

"Fine. You need to open the door." They say.

Brad pushes the button to open the door, the inmate steps out, and Brad pushes the button to close the door. He takes his arm and begins leading him toward the meeting rooms. Brad figures that is as good a place as any to have his meal. He just has to choose ones that are further away, so nobody will hear the inmate scream. They have been walking for a while, but the inmate doesn't suspect anything. They finally reach the meeting room that Brad plans to use. He unlocks the door; he and the inmate enter the room and Brad locks it behind him. The inmate looks around the room for a minute before he notices that there is no one else there. He turns to Brad.

"Hey, why isn't anyone else here?" They ask just as Brad smiles, pushes him to the floor, and straddles him.

His eyes are red and terrifying when suddenly, Brad rips into the inmate's neck and starts taking gulp after gulp of blood. The inmate screams in pain at the top of his lungs, but no one can hear him. He is trying to struggle, but Brad is too strong. Brad continues draining the inmate until he senses that they are getting a little too close to the point of no return. He finally pulls off the inmate's neck, but the inmate is still screaming his lungs out.

"Oh my God! What the fuck are you?" The inmate manages to ask with the little energy he has left.

Brad decides to play with his food again, since he enjoys it so much!

"What do you think I am?" Brad asks.

"I don't know. What did you just do to me, why was it so painful, and why do I feel so tired now?" The inmate asks.

"Here, let me help you. First off, I'm strong and scary. My eyes turn red when I'm hungry, and I love drinking one of the many fluids in your body." Brad hints.

"I was going to guess werewolf, judging how you ripped into my neck." The inmate guesses.

"Nope! Try again! Here let me show you something." Brad says as he bears his fangs at the inmate.

The inmate starts backing away from him in shock.

"Do you need another demonstration, because I would love some more?" Brad asks.

"Holy shit! You're a vampire and you just drank an obscene amount of my blood!" The inmate states.

"Ding, Ding, Ding! You are correct! Your prize is me not killing you! Now, get up and I will take you back to your cell. Hurry up before I change my mind on killing you." Brad antagonizes.

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