Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

*******Trigger Warning for Mentions of Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

Gabe looks at his watch and sees that it is getting close to 4 p.m. so he packs up his papers that include most of the plans for their attack and heads over to where the meeting will be held. He still has a few details to iron out, but he is pretty sure his plan is solid. As he gets closer, he sees members of the gang gathering for the meeting. He still has fifteen minutes so he walks to the front of the meeting area and organizes his plans as best as he can on the makeshift podium. He is wondering where Brad is as the meeting is starting at 4. Once all the gang is assembled and sat down, he sees Brad walking in at the very last minute, fucker. Brad comes and stands off to the side of Gabe.

"Attention Gentleman! I hereby call this meeting of the Latin Kings gang to order. We have much to discuss. I would like to start by sharing the situation with all of you, my plan for payback, and finally, I will take comments and ideas at the end. As most of you know from the last meeting, I have claimed and marked Dr. Stump, whom I call Sugar, as my property. He has the tattoos to prove it. A few days ago, Sugar had a run-in with the Nuestra Familia gang in the mess hall. He accidentally bumped into one of them and when he apologized, they wanted to take him to meet their gang leader, Jesus. Sugar declined and went back to eating his lunch. However, when Sugar and his cell mate left, they were jumped, and attacked. His cell mate was knocked out cold. Sugar was pushed up hard against a wall with his hands held above him while the person he ran into, Earnesto attempted to rape him. I sent my men in to stop it. Since then, they had been plotting another attack, as they felt disrespected.

Yesterday, Sugar was taken to the Warden's office for a meeting, but he never returned to his cell. Earnesto and his men ambushed Sugar and his guard. They were brutally beaten, and Sugar was gangbanged thirty-two times by Earnesto and his men. Then Sugar was taken to the gang leader, Jesus, where he was drugged, raped again, and beaten even further. After Jesus was done, he noticed ink lines on Sugar's back which led him to see my mark on him. He also saw the Latin Kings Crown on Sugar's stomach. Jesus freaked out and tried to make it look like Sugar was randomly attacked by stabbing him five times in the abdomen. Then he instructed his men to dump him in a well-trafficked area where he would be found.

Sugar was found and taken to sick bay where the seriousness of his injuries was discovered. He has already had one surgery today and during the second surgery they found much more internal bleeding than they expected, and they almost lost him twice. It took them five hours alone just to stop the bleeding. Now they are starting the surgery to fix the damage done during the attack. He will have been in surgery for nine, maybe ten hours.

The Nuestra Familia have gone too far, and Sugar was caught in the crossfire. He did not deserve the punishment that he was given. They also drew out his abuse to cause him maximum pain and suffering. I will not stand for my property to be treated this way and they must be taught a very painful lesson. I don't have to tell you that this attack on my property warrants an attack of retribution. I am waiting for a few things to fall into place, but we will strike back quickly! Who is with me so far?" Gabe asks.

Almost all the members raise their hands.

"That is why you are all here today. I'm not requiring you to be involved, but we need a good force to inflict the kind of damage they deserve! We will fuck them up and teach them to never mess with the Latin Kings or any of the Latin Kings' property ever again!" Gabe yells.

Most everyone is cheering and appears eager to participate.

"I have a plan for the attack, which I will now share with you. I will start with the leaders. Jesus and Earnesto will be tortured, beaten, and raped multiple times! Brad and I will handle this part. Our plan is to cause them so much pain and suffering that they will beg for death! Once I feel that they have suffered worse than Sugar did, we will kill them!" Gabe says.

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