Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, Gore, and Rape*******

Spencer is working on running a blood test when they come in. He looks at Patrick and sees all of his injuries.

"Patrick? Brad just came running in asking for an emergency inhaler. Are you ok? What happened?" he asks.

Gabe answers "He was involved in an altercation with Shane Morris. He has many cuts, a possible broken cheek bone, and he has a mild concussion. I trust that he will be in good hands with you Dr. Smith. If you will excuse me, I have some business I need to attend to. He can stay as long as he needs to. Brad, stay with him and make sure he stays out of trouble for the rest of the day. Oh, and give him one of those iron infusions. I will see you later, Sugar. Goodbye gentleman."

With that, Gabe turns around and leaves sick bay.

"What happened to you Patrick? Let me take a better look at you." Spencer asks.

"What Gabe said pretty much summed it up." Patrick answers.

Spencer examines the cuts on his hands and arms from the knife. He also sees the rope burn on his wrists.

"You are lucky. None of these cuts are very deep and they should heal on their own. Let me see your cheek. Please turn your head so your cheek is facing me." Spencer says.

He examines the cheekbone on his right side.

"You took a hard blow, but your cheekbone isn't broken. I bet it hurts a lot though." Spencer informs him. Patrick nods yes.

"Now I'm going to check you for a concussion. I am going shine a bright light into your eye. Please tell me if you are sensitive to the light." Spencer shines the light into his right eye.

"It is painfully bright, Spencer." Patrick says.

"Your pupils are huge and are a different size in your left eye. Are you having any blurred vision?" Spencer asks.

"A little, yes." Patrick answers.

"Any ringing in your ears, dizziness, fatigue, or a bad headache?" Spencer asks.

"No ringing in my ears, I'm very dizzy and tired and I have a very bad headache. It feels like someone is cutting into my skull with a knife." Patrick responds.

"Ok. Now follow my finger." Spencer says.

Patrick follows Spencer's finger with his eyes.

"Alright. Gabe was correct. You have a mid-grade concussion. How hard did you hit your head?" Spencer asks.

"Pretty hard. I headbutted him and he picked me up by my hair, dragged me to another room, and threw me on the ground so hard the I slid and crashed into the wall. My head bounced off the wall. I was stunned." Patrick answers.

"Sounds like you are lucky the concussion isn't worse. There isn't much I can do for you. Here is some extra strength Tylenol. Try to take it easy for the next couple of days. Only do what you need to do and rest when you aren't do that. I will give you a note to get you off work for a few days." Spencer says.

"I will go and get the iron infusion set up. Once we start it, each bag will take 30 minutes to complete. You will need two bags this time. You can stay here until it is done." Spencer says.

He turns around and goes to get the stuff set up. Brad joins him next to his hospital bed.

"How long is this going to take?" He asks.

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