Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

*******Trigger Warning for Mentions of Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

As soon as Brad brings Joe back to his cell and leaves, he begins thinking about Gabe's offer. It is a very tempting offer. Joe would love the opportunity to use his unique talents to strike back at those who attacked Patrick. He is so angry and feels horrible about what happened to him. Patrick is a nice guy who was most likely framed. He has experienced so much pain and abuse in the time he has already been here from Gabe and his goons. He has fought very hard and has continued to get back up after being raped, tattooed against his will, being forced to feel the pain from said tattoos, and being forced to sit still while Gabe keeps piercing parts of his body. Joe just hopes that Patrick is able to get back up and keep fighting after this attack. He really hopes that this attack didn't break him. God! I can't even imagine what it feels like being brutally beaten and raped by thirty-three people. The pain alone would've been beyond immeasurable! The poor guy! I don't know what to do! I want payback, and Patrick deserves it, but I'm just not sure that I can trust Gabe to do what he says he will do, and I can't add any more time to my sentence. It's bad enough that I missed Ruby growing up. I have lost time to make up for when I get out! I owe her and Marie that much!

Joe decides to take a break from thinking about this and read his book for a while until it is time for lunch. He figures he can also talk to Dan about it and see what he thinks. He's also kind of hoping to run into Alex again while he is at work and discuss it with him. He wishes he had more friends that he could trust to discuss this with, but Joe has tried to stay out of everything and keep to himself as much as possible. With that comes the consequence of not having a lot of friends. He's ok with that though.

He continues reading his book until a guard comes to take him to the mess hall for lunch. The guard pushes the button to open the door, Joe steps out, and the guard pushes the button again to close the door. He is pretty hungry. He hasn't really been eating a lot yesterday and today, because every time he thinks of what happened to Patrick, he loses his appetite completely. He gets into the food line and hopes for no problems. He looks around the mess hall while in line and sees those bastards from the Nuestra Familia. They appear to be making eye contact with him and making lewd gestures, toying with him. Ignore it, Joe. They want to make you angry. Don't give in to it, otherwise they win. Joe turns his head away from them looking the other way now. He doesn't see anything horrible now, so that is good. He finally makes it to the end of the food line, grabs a tray and his food, and then looks for an open table. He finds one, sits down, and begins eating his food. A few minutes later, Dan joins him.

"Hey man! How are you doing? Heard anything more about Patrick yet?" Dan asks.

"Hey Dan. I guess I'm doing as well as I can, given the circumstances. I haven't heard anything more about Patrick, other than that he is still in surgery. Spencer said that this one would be much longer, more involved, and more invasive. I think I overheard Dr. Franz say that it would be at least five to six hours. It just goes to show you how bad the damage is, if it is going to take that long to fix it." Joe answers.

Joe continues eating as Dan sits down and starts eating.

"Dan, I need to talk to you about something. I need to know what you would do, if it was you, ok?" Joe asks.

"Ok, shoot." Dan replies.

Joe gets up and moves a seat closer to Dan.

"I need to say this quietly, so no one else can hear." Joe states.

"Ok, I don't mind." Dan replies.

"After breakfast, you, me, and Gabe were headed to sick bay to see Patrick. Gabe stayed back a little to tell me that there was something he needed to discuss with me regarding his plan of retaliation and he asked me when I was available to talk. I told him I had some time between breakfast and lunch. Then I ran to catch up with you and we all visited Patrick. When Spencer told us we had to leave because Dr. Franz was on his way and they needed to prepare Patrick for surgery, we did, and Brad returned each of us to our cells. He told me that he would be back for me later and left. I suspect he took you back to your cell, and then had a discussion with Gabe.

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