Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use*******

Spencer walks in the front door of the prison. He shows the security guards his ID, empties his pockets, and steps through the metal detector. The guards search his bags and give him the all-clear, so Spencer grabs his stuff and starts heading in the direction of sick bay. It is on the opposite side of the prison, so it takes a while to get there. He walks into sick bay, is greeted by the nurses and staff, and then proceeds to his office, where he finds Dr. Woodard sitting at his desk.

"Spencer! It's good to have you back! Do you feel better now?" Dr. Woodard asks.

"Yes, a million times better. I was feeling pretty rough when I left here last night. When I went home, I didn't change my clothes or anything before face-planting in my bed. I didn't wake up until noon today. I feel refreshed and ready to care for my patients now. How is Patrick doing?" Spencer asks.

"Nothing has happened since we spoke on the phone. He has been more tired today, but that's it. He's almost completely healed. At this rate, you should be able to discharge him by tomorrow in the late afternoon or early evening." Dr. Woodard explains.

"That's great! I'm still baffled as to how that is possible. Especially since that has been the case the past three times Patrick was seriously injured. It just doesn't make sense. What did the MRI and CT scan show?" Spencer asks.

"I was just looking at the reports when you came in. Would you like to see them?" Dr. Woodard asks.

"Yes. Do you mind bringing them up?" Spencer asks.

"Not at all." Dr. Woodard responds while Spencer sets his stuff down and puts his white doctor's coat on.

Spencer then walks over to his desk to look at the scans while looking over Dr. Woodard's shoulder. To be honest, he is completely shocked by what he sees. Patrick is very close to being almost 100% healed. That's impossible!

"Wow! He's almost completely healed! How is that possible?" Spencer asks.

"Like I said before, sometimes strange things happen, and we don't always have a scientific explanation. I wouldn't question it, Spencer. Just be happy that Patrick is doing so well and isn't looking at the very long recovery we both know he would've had otherwise!" Dr. Woodard suggests.

"You're right, of course. I'd like to see him." Spencer says.

"Sure, we can go in a minute. I wanted to discuss something with you first." Dr. Woodard says.

"Ok. What's on your mind?" Spencer asks.

"Well, I called Andy right after I talked to you to let him know that you were on your way back. He thanked me for filling in and mentioned that I seemed to be a good fit here. Then he asked me if I would be interested in coming on as the new, second doctor, since Patrick is doing time. I told him that I still had six months left on my contract with the hospital, so I could only commit to a few shifts a month right now, but that I was interested in the position, depending on what the pay and benefits are like. I wanted to ask you what your thoughts were about this." Dr. Woodard explains.

Spencer thinks about that for a minute before answering. He was hoping that they would figure things out with Patrick, and he'd be able to come back, but it didn't look like that was going to happen any time soon. Patrick would be sad that they were replacing him. It would be nice to have some help and to not have to cover almost all the shifts himself and Dr. Woodard seems like a nice guy and a good doctor, so he would be ok with it.

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