💌 8 - requests

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A couple days pass and Jungwon was found studying in the library.

Jungwon was so busy with his taekwondo and other after school curricular that he barely had time to focus on his schoolwork. And now that he has a boyfriend, Sunoo is all he ever wants to focus on.

Thankfully for Sunoo, he cares about Jungwon's academic career and avoids being a distraction to him.

So, Sunoo decided for Jungwon to take his time today to catch up on all his schoolwork, he has even made it clear that he will not see him until he has catched up in all his classes. Obviously, Jungwon being the clingy type, was not so happy to be away from the other for such a long time.

You could even say Jungwon has grown an attachment to the boy. There was never a day he has not been apart from him ever since they started dating. It's beginning to get... obsessive, in a way.

Regardless, Jungwon still agreed to Sunoo's advise. How could he say no when the boy makes pleading eyes to Jungwon?

Which led him to the school library, grumpily writing down notes, pouting as he already misses his significant other.

Soon later, Heeseung enters through the entrance doors.

He spots Jungwon sitting at an open table.

He smirks, walking over slowly and sneakily.

"BOO!" Heeseung yells, grabbing both of his friend's shoulders in hopes of spooking him.

"You aren't scary, Heeseung." Jungwon scoffs.

Heeseung groans. "Awh man, I thought I got you this time..."

Jungwon teasingly grins. "Trust me, there will never be a time where you'll scare me."

Jungwon was never the type to get scared easily. It's a little secret talent he's had ever since he was a kid.

His parents always considered him weird for it. Throughout his childhood, he would never get spooked, or even flinched whenever they would have family movie nights watching horror films.

Regardless, these are only one out of the more other reasons why Jungwon and his family are on and off. But that's a story for another day.

"Ugh, whatever. Anyway I'm here to see you." Heeseung says.

"Okay? What do you want?"

"I need you to do me a favour."

Jungwon raises his eyebrow. "Why?"

Heeseung smiles cheekily. "'Cause you're one of my best buddies! And don't best buddies help each other out?"

"Can't you ask Sunghoon?"

"Nope, he's at his ice skating practice right now, and you're the only other available person I trust this with."

Jungwon glares at him.

"Pleeaaasseeeee!! I promise I'll make it up to you later!" Heeseung whines.

"I swear if this is another one of your childish pranks-"

"It's not! I swear!"

Jungwon sighs in defeat. "Okay... what do you want me to do?"

Heeseung smirks. "Glad you ask."

And just like that. Part one of the plan is complete.

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