💌 18 - creep

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The time was 6:00 in the evening and the sun was about to set.

"Y'know, you didn't have to do this for me."

The boy smiles. "You've been so hard on yourself lately, Sunoo. You deserve some time off."

Sunoo sighs. "I guess you're right."

Sunoo rubs his arm as he feels the chilly wind hit his skin.

"It's getting late, I should start heading home." Sunoo suggests.

"Do you want me to walk you?"

"Nah, I'll be fine. Besides, my house is far from where you live."

The boy smiles. "If you say so."

Sunoo returns the smile.
"Thanks for the ice cream by the way, Jay."

"Anytime, Sunoo." Jay ruffles his hair as Sunoo playfully swats his hand away.

They bid their farewells and walk their separate ways.

Sunoo smiles staring into the resting sunset.

It's been a while since he's hung out with Jay, but boy did he miss it. Jay's vibe is simply unmatched and Sunoo could easily feel comfortable around him.

Although Sunoo did have a fun time with Jay. He couldn't help but feel like something, or someone was watching him.

He tried his best to shrug it off or distract himself from the feeling, but everywhere he went, he could feel a pair of eyes staring at them

Could be my imagination. He thought.

Ever since what happened with Jungwon, I have been pretty self-conscious...

He continues down the sidewalk.

Once Sunoo arrives at his house, he reaches into his pocket for the keys. When suddenly, he heard rustling in some nearby bushes.

He quickly turns his head in the direction.

"Hello?" He calls out.


No answer.

"Is someone there?"


No answer.

He furrows his eyebrows. "Creepy..."

Sunoo began to feel uneasy. He shakes his head and takes out his key.

He opens his front door and quickly enters. He slams the door shut, making sure that the door is locked too. Sunoo leans on the door thinking about what that noise could have been.

It's probably just a raccoon. His thoughts ease his mind.

Walking into the house, Sunoo stretches and yawns.

He smells the scent of his shirt.
"I should get to the bed... right before a quick shower."

But just before he was about to exit the living room, he heard a knock on his door.

He stood in place.

Huh? Who could it be?

Knock knock knock!

The door knocks again.

Sunoo turns around facing the door as he walks over. He takes a deep breath before putting his hand on the doorknob.

"Jay? Is that you?" He calls out.

"Uh... no. It's me."

Sunoo's eyes widened, but his expression quickly turned into anger.

He opens the door, revealing a smiling yet timid Jungwon. "What do you want?"

Jungwon twiddles with his fingers. "I just want to talk. Can you do that? Please?"

His eyes glean in hope, but Sunoo wants nothing to do with the boy.


But as Sunoo was about to shut the door, it was stopped by Jungwon's foot as he made his way inside.

"You can't keep ignoring me, Sunoo. I am sorry okay? It wasn't my intention to keep you in the dark. Just hear me out, please!" Jungwon begs.

"What the hell? I don't want to hear anything you have to say! Get out!"

"I'm not going anywhere until I prove to you that I do love you! Sure, when we first started off it was all pretend, but I assure you what I feel now is real!"

Jungwon caresses the other's hand. However, Sunoo was quick to slap it away. "Don't fucking touch me."

The boy stands his ground. "I'm going to ask you one more time to leave my house or else I'm calling the police for trespass."

"Sunoo I—"


By the look on Sunoo's face, it was clear that he was being serious. His expression was stern, with an intense stare and a frown unlike any other.

Jungwon sighs. "Fine. I'm leaving. Sorry for disturbing you."

He steps towards the door, he looks back at Sunoo before exiting. "All I want is to start over, for real. If you could please just find a place in your heart to give me a second chance, I promise I won't ever mistreat you again."

Sunoo looks at him for a moment.

Jungwon's eyes glistened with hope, he became desperate for an answer that wasn't no.

Sunoo sighs, before looking at the ground.

He bites his lip as he thinks intensely.

"I'll think about it. But for now, give me some space. Please." Sunoo states.

Jungwon smiles. "Of course, thank you Sunoo. I won't let you down again."

"Alright... well, you should get going. It's already dark out."

Jungwon looks up at the pitch-black sky with only a few specs of stars. "Right, I should. Well then uh, have a good night?"

Sunoo flashes a light smile. "Good night."

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