Chapter 50 - Baby on board!

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She gets up and starts to walk to the door. Four smiles back as he gets up from the couch and leaves the treehouse while waiting for everyone else. Three watches everybody leave as he remembers the cake in the fridge then goes to the kitchen to grab it, closes the fridge door and uses his phone to create a portal to go to the Internet Graveyard and put the cake away safely. Smg4 sees Mario and Meggy outside until he notices there's no sign of his lover and his baby. He looks confused and looks at his friends.

Smg4: Guys? Have you seen Three and Five?

Meggy looks around confused.

Meggy: I'm not sure, maybe he forgot something. I will go check on him and see if he needs some help.

Mario looks at Meggy very annoyed.

Mario: Come on hurry up! Stop being such a weird squid and find Papa3! Mario is so hungry!

Meggy quickly picks up a rock then turns around and throws it at him as hard as she can. It hits Mario in the face causing him to fall over and screams of pain.



She gives him a very angry death stare as Mario looks over at Meggy scared and in pain from where he got hit from the rock. He hides behind Smg4 and stays quiet and Meggy walks angrily back to the treehouse. Four looks even more confused about their interaction then notices Mario is hiding behind him, looking scared with red marks from the rock that Meggy threw. He turns around and examines the new bruise on his best friend's forehead.

Smg4: I really don't know what's going on between you two but I want you to apologize to her when she calms down. Also please, be gentle and patient next time alright?

Four checks more on Mario's forehead. Without realizing his next move, he kisses his forehead like a mother would do to their child when they hurt themselves. He stops then feels more embarrassment about what he did as he faces away from Mario and covers his face with his hands.

Smg4's mind: Why did I do that!? This is so embarrassing!! Ugh I'm so stupid!! Mario is probably thinking that this is so wrong!! It's like the portion all over again!! I hate myself AAAAAAAAAA!!!

Mario looks at him with tears in his eyes and hugs him.

Mario: Mario is sorry Mama4. Thank you for kissing Mario's boo boo away! Mario will apologize to Meggy when she's not so mad.

Mario looks at him after a bit with a smug face.

Mario: You are really becoming more like a mom Mama4!

Four looks back at Mario then hugs him back and giggles.

Smg4: Well I have been a mother since I got pregnant with my daughter so that's not bad right? Also you really don't mind me kissing you like that? You're weird Mario.-

He continues to giggle and enjoys the hug between them while the sun is shining beautifully.

Mario: Mario doesn't mind! Your Mario's mama!

Meanwhile, Meggy walks into the treehouse still angry.

Meggy's mind: Grrr I can't believe he's still calling me that! Oh that so annoying, though throwing the rock at him was probably a bit of an overreaction. I hope he's ok. I should probably apologize to him about that.

She looks around for Smg3 and Baby5 and sees them nowhere.

Meggy's mind: Where could he be? Did I somehow miss them?

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