Questions and Answers (Chapter 5)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artists!

------------------------Harry's POV-----------------------------

"You came." I whispered in a hoarse voice, sniffling as tears ran down my face, clutching Fenrir's shirt as tightly as I could with one hand.

"I did baby, I did. I'm sorry for taking so long." He whispered back, hugging me tighter until I winced in pain, and he realized I was injured. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you hurt?"

"F-Fen, i-I did it. She's under a glamour on my chest, please, don't let them take her, please, she's so small, Fen." I whimpered quietly, tugging on his shirt to show how scared I was.

"I promise I won't let them take her. I'm so glad that you didn't lose her, I can't wait to raise her with you." Fenrir reassured, moving his hand gently up and down my back." I'm going to pick you up, okay?

I gave a small nod, wincing in pain as I was lifted from the cold, dirty concrete floor, using one hand to make sure our baby didn't fall and the other gripping Fenrir's shirt.

"What are you doing? We were going to ask questions while in the cell and then deciding whether or not to release him." Scrimgeour stated, walking closer to us.

"Well, change of plans, he's innocent and you'll see that too but for now, I need to get him out of this cell, I'll tell you why when we can't be overheard." Fen explained, walking passed Scrimgeour who followed behind.

As soon as we were out of the Azkaban wards, we apparated to the Ministers office. I gave a cough and wince of pain as I was gently placed down onto a soft couch.

"So, what is this all about?" Scrimgeour asked, sitting down at his desk to look over my file as he prepared questions to ask me.

"Well, now that he is no longer in a stressful place, he can answer your questions and then when you find him innocent, we can leave and go home." Fen answered, sitting down on the couch, lifting my head and then placing my head back down on his lap as he started to run gently soothing fingers through my long, messy hair.

Scrimgeour sighed and looked over his papers before starting the questions.

"So, Mr. Potter, I would like to start by asking you to take a dose of Veritaserum as you were never given any and weren't asked questions directly during your trial."

"It's okay, baby, the Veritaserum won't hurt you or the baby and it won't affect any pregnancies either." Fen whispered reassuringly as he continued to gently run his fingers through my hair.

I gave a nod and took the potion that was handed to me before giving a cough and handing the empty vial back to Scrimgeour.

"Ok, now that that's dealt with, I will ask the first question. Mr. Potter, did you murder Cedric Digory?"

"N-No," I croaked out, my voice still hoarse and not used to being used after so many months.

Scrimgeour continued to ask different question, relating to the tournament, the battle against Voldemort and even what I did for the months after. I whined as my throat started to hurt from using it so much, looking up at Fen in pain as he listened to Scrimgeour explain that I was free to go, and it would be announced in The Daily Profit tomorrow that I was innocent. He gave a nod before looking down at me.

"I know baby, come on, lets get out of here, lets go home." Fen said as he gently picked me up and carried me over to the door before apparating to the new cave that Fen was staying in.

Softly placing me down on some comfortable furs as I removed my glamour, he gasped in amazement and shock at the tiny baby that was laying sound asleep on my chest.

"Oh, baby, she's so beautiful, oh, you did so well, sweetheart." Fenrir cooed as he laid down next to me and held out a hand to carefully brush over her tiny head, tears slipping down his cheeks as he saw his daughter for the first time. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you; I know it had to have been hard and hurt a lot. Oh, god, I love both of you so much."

I smiled down at our daughter, my own tears streaming down my face, so happy to finally be away from the prison and safe with my mate.

"Does she have a name, baby?" Fen asked as he snuggled closer to me and wrapped a strong arm around my thin body.

"Well, I did have one in mind, but we don't have to use it if you don't like it. It's Violet Anastasia Greyback, and along those lines, I would also like to take your last name, if you don't mind." I answered, blushing at basically saying that I wanted to formally bond with him.

"I love it. It's perfect for our sweet little girl. And yes, as soon as you're feeling well enough, we'll go to Gringotts and have both you and her registered as Greyback's." He responded, smiling at her for another minute before looking back at me and lifting my chin, placing a quick but loving kiss to my lips.

"Hey, I wanted to ask. Can we move, like away from Britain, and away from the magical world, somewhere where no-one knows who we are?" I questioned, looking longingly at my mate.

"Of, course we can. I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to move and get away from all of this. I even had a place in mind." He replied, smiling at the thought of getting away from all the hassle.


"Forks, Washington, America."


AN: Hello! Sorry for posting so late, I completely forgot about it!

Please comment any suggestions/ideas/what you want to see for the story!

 Also, Please Comment song suggestions!

Also, I apologize for reoccurring images, I can't find many fanarts.  

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

See you next week! 

[1010 Words]

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