Meeting the Shifters P.2 (Chapter 19)

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AN: Hello! 

Credit to the artists! 

-------------------------------------Harry's POV-------------------------------------

"So, are there any other questions that you would like to ask?" Fenrir inquired, his hands starting to rub gently up and down my stomach, the same way he did while I was pregnant with Violet.

"Um, yes, but it's more of a request rather than a question." Sam, the alpha of the shifters spoke.

"Go on." Fenrir accepted with a nod, letting Sam make the request.

"Well, I would like to request that at some point we arrange for either you to come here, to the reservation or for us to go to your house for some time to teach, learn, train and other things like that with each other. I think it would be beneficial for my pack to spend time around full werewolves as it would give them time to learn and it could also benefit you through having more wolf interaction as well as maybe, you could learn some things from us." Sam proposed, giving valid explanations and benefits as he attempted to convince us of the advantages of his proposal.

"Yes, I believe that we can arrange something for that but, on that note, I ask that you and the other shifters don't come too close to our house in the forest on the full moon as, even though we may know you, we might still see you as a threat. Most full moons, we either hunt or just roam around but either way, there will be two adult werewolves, a nearly adult wolf; Harry as well as Violet, our daughter. The problem is that Harry will be carrying Violet as he is her mother and because we have as baby with us, we may see you as an even bigger threat." Fenrir explained, warning the shifters of the dangers of being around a werewolf on the full moon.

"Thank you, I appreciate it a lot and I look forward to getting to know you better and hopefully, helping each other." Sam expressed with a nod before continuing. "But now, for the problem at hand. Because Jacob made an offence against you, we are letting you decide his punishment, but we ask that you leave him alive as it would bring grief and sadness to the tribe and everyone in it if he were to be killed as punishment for his actions against you." He requested formally, knowing that the request may not be taken into consideration.

"Well, as much as I would like nothing more then to remove his head from his shoulders for hurting my mate, it is not my choice. As it was my mate that was hurt, I will leave deciding his punishment up to him." Fenrir stated, looking down at me in question as to what I would like to do.

"I know that you will not agree with my decision, but I know that you will understand my reasoning and won't try to change my mind, because you respect my choices. As much as he hurt me, he was under the impression that I had hurt someone close to him and he has been manipulated by said person into thinking that she was truthful and was unable to do any wrong and as such, he didn't know any better, he has been manipulated so well that he didn't stop to think if it was logical or even if it was the right thing to do, if his heart agreed with what he was doing. Taking these facts into consideration, I know that it wasn't his fault and therefore, I ask that he not be punished at all. He may be warned to not do it again and I would ask that you remove the manipulator from your life to ensure that something similar does not happen again." I spoke, speaking and looking directly at Jacob as I delivered his punishment.

"W-what?" He stuttered out, confused as to why I was letting his violence off without punishment as he looked around and saw the other shifters looking just as confused as he was.

"Harry has a heart five times too big. He could never hurt someone, no-matter what they did to him. I knew that he wouldn't be happy if I chose a punishment for him, so I let him choose what had to be done and I will stand by his decision and respect it. But, if I hear of you listening to that girl and hurting him again, I will come out here and knock some sense into you." Fen explained as the shifters faces relaxed, looking relieved that he didn't threaten to kill Jacob or hurt him too badly. 

"Thank you. We are all grateful that you are not going to kill or badly injure Jacob for his actions." Billy thanked, a small smile on his face, relieved that his son wasn't going to be hurt or killed. 

"You're welcome. Now, I would really like to get home so, how about the shifters and Billy come around to our house tomorrow at 11ish as our first meet up and we can discuss the next few while you're all there to see when it suits everyone?" I suggested, smiling when I got multiple nods in reply.  

"That would be great, thank you. We'll see you tomorrow then. Can you get back to your house or would you like it if one of the shifters guided you back?" Billly agreed as he signaled for Sam to be ready in case, we wanted someone to guide us home. 

"No, thank you. We appreciate your offer, but we'll be fine to get home ourselves." Fenrir replied with a nod, as he stood before helping me up off the ground. 

"Okay, well, be safe on the way back and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow." Billy spoke as the shifters started to stand up off the ground to leave.  

We then turned and started to walk back towards the forest, making our way back to our house through the woods. 

Soon enough, we arrived home and went inside; quickly feeding Violet before picking her up and heading upstairs, not realizing that we had been with the shifters for the better part of the day. Sitting with Violet until she fell asleep, we then climbed into our own bed, tired from the day with the shifters. Snuggling into Fen, I let out a small moan as he started to kiss up and down my neck, obviously not so tired that he couldn't do one more thing before going to sleep.  


AN: Hello! 

Please comment! It keeps me motivated to write more and I appreciate all of them! 

I hope you enjoyed! 

See you next week! 

[1120 words] 

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