The Start of an Explanation (Chapter 27)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artists!

---------------------Harry's POV-------------------------

When we arrived at the house, I carefully picked Violet up out of the car seat and walked into the house, closely followed by Fenrir. I winced as I walked up the stairs, my back aching with every step.

I crawled onto the bed, Violet still in my arms as I laid down on my side, Violet next to me as I snuggled with her before I felt the bed dip and felt warm hands lifting my shirt, revealing the large bruises that had formed on my back. I felt the weight on the bed leave for a second before the bed dipped again and Fenrir once again lifted my shirt before gently rubbing healing salve into the bruises that littered my back.

A few seconds passed before he stopped applying the salve and washed his hands off before climbing back onto the bed so that he was laying opposite to me, Violet in between us. Careful of my sore back, he gently reached over and placed his hand on my hip bone, slowly rubbing his thumb in circles over the bone.

"I don't wanna go back." I whispered; my voice faltered as tears started to stream down my face.

"I know baby, I know. How about we see about starting you on homeschooling where you can do the classes online so that you don't have to go to that school anymore?" Fen suggested as he gently wiped the tears off my face.

"Can we?" I asked, my voice shaky as I wrapped my arms further around Violet as I needed the comfort of both my husband and child.

"Of course we can. I'll go up to the school tomorrow and talk to them about it and you won't have to go to school again, you won't be going back, I promise." He told me as he smiled down at Violet as she started to make little baby noises.

"I can't believe that in nine months, you'll have a sibling." I told Violet as I tickled her tummy a little, earning a giggle from our first born.

"And I can't believe it either. I can't wait to meet our new baby." Fen expressed as the hand that was resting on my hip moved down to gently rub my flat stomach.

"And now since you'll be at home all the time unless we go out, I can make sure that both you and the little one inside you are safe and protected." He stated, which caused my face to heat up, as I knew that he would be even more protective of me now that I was with child.

I watched as he carefully picked up Violet, talked to her and gave her a little tickle before he placed her softly down into her cot and covered her loosely with her snuggle blanket. He then walked back over the where I was laying on the bed, now on my stomach to get more of the pressure off my back.

I let out a small moan when I felt Fen start the softly kiss my neck, his hands traveling up and down my body caressing every inch of my skin.

"So, am I allowed?" he questioned, making sure that I wanted to before he continued with hat he was doing after he received a muffled 'yes'.

I yawned as I rolled over, instantly regretting the decision when my back ached due to the pressure on the bruises that were slowly healing. Placing a quick peck to Fen's lips before crawling off the bed to feed Violet. Scooping her up, I brought her up to my chest where she started to drink from me.

When she had finished, I put her down for an extra hour of sleep before I limped back over o the bed and shook Fenrir awake.

"Huh, w-what?" He mumbled, still half asleep as I gently tapped his cheek in an attempt to wake him up.

"Come shower with me?" I asked as I tried my best to pull him off the bed.

"Yeah, okay. I'm coming, I'm coming." He grumbled at being woken up but smiled as he turned the water on and waited for it to warm up.

Feeling that the water was warm enough, he let me in first before getting in after me. I gave a sigh as I felt Fen gently run the soapy sponge up and down my still sore back.

Soon enough, we had finished washing each other and were getting out of the shower when we heard Remus calling us down for breakfast. I frowned as I heard then note of hurry in his voice, and as I looked over, I could see that Fenrir had heard it as well.

We quickly dried ourselves before throwing on clothes and heading downstairs, Violet in my arms and Fenrir in front of us in case of a threat. Getting to the bottom of the stairs, we saw Charlie and Carlise standing in the doorway with Remus looking confused and slightly nervous around the older vampire.

"Oh, Charlie, Carlise. What are you doing here?" Fen inquired as he lowered his guard, knowing that neither the police officer or the vampire would hurt me or our children.

"Nothing much, I was just informed that you weren't at school today and came over to make sure that you were okay since you were back at school yesterday." Charlie explained, as he pointed to Carlise when he mentioned 'making sure that I was okay.'

"Okay. Well, as you can see, Harry is okay. But we have decided to enroll him in online schooling due to the violent bullying that he faces at school. And so, later today I will go up to the school and see what we can do. Either way, he will not be returning to the school." Fenrir told them, Carlise already having known that I got hurt yesterday due to his children and didn't ask questions.

"What? You got hurt yesterday? What happened?" Charlie questioned, obviously caring about me and wanting to know what happened.

I gave a groan before pointing to the couch where we all sat down so that I could explain the previous day.


AN: Hello!

I am so very sorry for not posting sooner. My laptop was playing up and not letting me do anything so I couldn't get onto Wattpad to put up this chapter.

Please comment! I appreciate all comments and love to read them all. 

I hope you enjoyed! 

See you next week! 

[1090 words]   

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