Birth (Chapter 33)

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AN: Hello!  

Sorry for not posting for the last two weeks, I have been on holiday.  

Credit to artist! 

---------------------------------Harry's POV-------------------------------------

I let out a painfilled scream as contractions spread through my torso and back, waves of pain going through my body as tears streamed down my face. Gripping Fenrir's hand, I gasped in pain as another wave of pain coursed through my body.

"Shh, it'll be okay, baby. Just a little while longer." Fen reassured me as he attempted to calm my tears, his instincts telling him to Carlise and Severus out of the room who were both helping me through the birth.

"P-please, I-I d-don't want to d-do this w-with other people h-here. I-I did th-this a-alone l-last t-time, please, I-I don't want other p-people in here, o-only you." I whispered to Fen in between the tears streaming down my face due to the pain.

"Okay, I'll try to get them out of here so that you're more comfortable but if things go badly, I'll have to call them back in, okay?" He replied as he placed a soft kiss to my sweaty forehead before standing up and going to talk to them about leaving the room.

"Please, he's not comfortable with you two being here and I'm having trouble controlling my instincts with you here as well. If anything goes wrong and I can't deal with it, I'll call you back in but for now, please, leave." Fenrir told Charlise and Sev who both gave a hesitant look back at me before leaving the room with a nod.

I closed my eyes as pain wracked throughout my body as I tried to open my eyes to see Fenrir walking back over to me. He gently placed his warm hand on my cheek which caused me to crack my eyes open just enough to see the look of worry on his face.

"I-It hurts." I sobbed as more tears ran down my face from the pain, only wanting to hold my babies in my arms.

"I know, baby, I know. Just a little longer and then you'll be holding our babies in your arms." He comforted as he gently rubbed his hand over my stomach and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"Come on, you can do it, just a few more pushes!" Fenrir encouraged me as I pushed as hard as I could, wanting to get the first twin out of me.

"Aaahhh!" I screamed as I pushed one final time and panted for a second before I looked over to see Fenrir quickly wiping down a little body before wrapping it in a yellow blanket,

Letting out another wince of pain as I remembered that I still had to push the second twin out of me.

I panted as I fell back against the propped-up pillows behind me, my vision dancing from the pain and exhaustion of just giving birth to twins.

"Hey, don't fall asleep just yet," Fen spoke as he gently ran a finger over my cheek to coax my eyes to open.

"Wanna sleep..." I whined as I cracked my eyes open to look up at my lover who was now holding two small bundles of blankets in his arms.

"Do you want to meet our new additions to the family before you drift off? They also need a quick feed too and to name them." He told me as I blinked a few times to wake myself up before I held out my arms in a signal that I wanted to take the babies.

I felt tears prick in my eyes as I was handed both of our newborn babies, a smile erupting on my face.

"They're so tiny and perfect. Genders?" I asked through the tears as I looked lovingly down at the twins.

"The oldest, the one in yellow, is a boy and the youngest, the one in green, is a girl." He responded, as he pointed to each baby.

"Apollo Severus Greyback and Luna Leah Greyback." I stated their names as I carefully rearranged them in my arms so that they could drink from me at the same time.

"I like those names, they suit them. While they drink, ill go let everyone know that you're all okay, they're all worried about you." Fen explained, not wanting to leave me but knowing that he had to let everyone else know that I was okay.

I gave a nod before turning my attention back to our newborns who had just finished drinking. I looked up as Fenrir walked back into the room holding Violet who had been downstairs with Remus during the birth.

"Hey Violet, do you want to meet your baby brother and sister?" I questioned and received a smile in response and a babble that we assumed was a yes as she wasn't quite speaking yet.

"These are your little siblings, Violet." I told her as she sat on my lap, a smile on my face as she looked over her twin siblings with a smile. 

"They were wondering when they can come in, I just told them that I needed the night with you and the babies to calm my instincts before letting anyone else near them but if you want to see them sooner than tomorrow morning, I can let them in." Fen said as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to me and gently placed his warm hand on my thigh. 

"No, it's okay, I can wait until morning, I need some time to calm down as well." I expressed as I leaned into his body, my eyes closing as I started to drift off into his body, as he took our children and placed them into their cribs before sitting back down and holding me as we both drifted off. 


AN: Hello! 

Please comment! 

I hope you enjoyed!  

See you next week! 

[1000 words] 

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