Introducing the Twins (Chapter 35)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artists! 

--------------------------------------Harry's POV---------------------------------------------

I gave a quiet groan as I rolled over to hear the twins crying once again. Getting up from the bed, I walked over to where they were laying before sitting down in the chair next to their beds and gently scooping them both up so that they could both feed and hopefully go back to sleep before we had to go downstairs to introduce them to the family.

"Shh, its okay, you're okay..." I hummed as they fed, trying to calm them a little bit so that they could fall back to sleep so that they weren't crying while we were downstairs.

After they had finished feeding, I quickly burped them before changing their clothes and walking over to Violet to do the same.

Soon enough we were all dressed and up as Fen had gotten up while I was changing Violet, who had fallen back to sleep like her siblings had and we were all ready to head downstairs to meet the family for the first time since the twins were born.

I slowly walked down the stairs while holding Apollo and Luna with Fenrir walking in front of me holding Violet. Walking into the lounge room, I sat down on the couch next to Fen and waited for everyone else to come inside and into the lounge room to meet our new additions to the family.

"Oh, Harry, they're beautiful!" Remus stated as he walked into the lounge room from the kitchen, quickly followed by Severus, Bill who had his arm linked with Severus's and Charlie who was walking next to his brother.

"Thank you. I'll introduce them when everyone else is here, have you told them yet?" I asked as the shifters, Cullens and Officer Swan had gone home (been forced to go home) to sleep for a while before coming back to see the newborns.

"Yes, I let them know and they are all on their way around. And I suspect that the only reason they aren't already here is because they probably stopped to buy things for new little bundles on joy." Remus replied, a hint of humor in his voice as he gave a small chuckle.

"Speak of the devils!" Charlie laughed as there was identical knocks on the back and front door which caused us all to start laughing before Sev and Bill went to let the shifters (and Fred who had wanted to go with them to keep a certain teenager wolf *Cough* Seth *Cough* company) in from the back door and the Cullens (and George who walked in standing closest to a certain mind reading vampire) in from the front door.

"Where's Harry?!" Rosalie demanded as she pushed through the now crowded room so that she could get her hands on one of the twins.

"Right here Rose." I called out, knowing that she was desperate to see the twins.

She came to an abrupt stop in front of me, a look of longing in here eyes as she stared down at Apollo and Luna who were clutched in my arms.

"C-Can I h-hold one?" She questioned nervously, knowing that I probably wouldn't want to let them go so soon after giving birth.

"Wait until Charlie gets here, and I introduce them, and then you can hold one, okay?" I responded and gave a small smile as she sat down on the other side of me and started to coo at the little sleeping bundles in my arms.

Soon enough, Charlie had arrived, and everyone had sat down either in chairs that were pulled over from the table or on the couches or some even on the floor (mostly the shifters) with Billy just staying in his wheelchair.

"I would like to introduce the two new members of our family. Apollo Severus Greyback-" a sharp intake of breath was heard and looking over, we saw Severus with a hand over his mouth and tears forming in his eyes. "And Luna Leah Greyback." Another intake of breath was heard but this time the tears flowed freely from Leah's eyes, streaming down her face as a smile erupted onto her face.

Standing up with the twins, I walked over to where Severus was standing and handed Apollo to him who gently took him from me and stared lovingly down at the little human in his arms.

"He's so beautiful..." Sev whispered as he tried his best to hold back his tears.

"Well, it's obvious you love him already. Good thing you're Godfather then." I spoke and watched as this finally sent the tears running down his cheeks.

"G-Godfather?" He stammered as he tried to wipe the tears off his face.

"Yep. You've been a great help to us, and you've been like another father to me so I can't think of anyone better to be Godfather to our son. Oh, and Rosalie?" I started as I slowly walked over to where Leah was sitting.

"Yes?" Rosalie answered as she looked up at me from where she was staring at Luna.

"You're going to be sharing the responsibility of Godparent with Severus." I announced as she quickly ran over to where Severus was and carefully took him off of Sev who then turned and hid his face into Bill's neck to hide his tears, causing Bill to raise his arms to gently run his hands comfortingly down his back and through his hair.

"And Leah, how do you feel about being Godmother to Luna?" I smiled as I handed her to Leah who immediately nodded her head in agreement.

"And it took a lot of consideration but Charlie? Would you be Luna's Godfather?" I looked over to the chief of police who gave a smile.

"I'd be honored." He confirmed as he walked over to look at his new Goddaughter. "She's beautiful, Harry, well done." 


AN: Hello!

Please comment, I really appreciate every comment and they help to keep me motivated to write longer chapters! 

If you're not sure what to comment you could comment: 

1. What you think will happen. 

2. What you want to happen (suggestions are always appreciated and I try my best to take them all into account!) 

3. Any song suggestions for the chapters (I know I haven't been putting any on but I'm planning to start doing it and suggestions are always appreciated!) 

I hope you enjoyed!  

See you next week! 

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