Going Back (Chapter 25)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artists!

------------------------------------Harry's POV--------------------------------------------

I gave a light groan as I was gently scooped up into Fenrir's strong arms and carried out of the bathroom before being placed softly down on our bed, my eyes closed as I slowly rubbed my hand up and down my flat stomach, wondering what will happen in the coming days when I have to go back to school. Feeling the bed dip, I opened my eyes to see Fenrir carefully climbing onto the bed next to me before lying down next to me, his arms gently wrapping around my abdomen as he rested his head on my chest.

Relaxing into his hold, I sighed, thinking about how I would manage to hide the pregnancy at school as I couldn't just take school off, Chef Swan would become suspicious if I wasn't showing up for school.

"What's wrong, baby?" Fenrir asked, looking up at me with a worried look on his face at my distress.

"Nothing, I was just wondering how we were going to hide my pregnancy from Charlie cause if I take time off of school, he'll get suspicious and if I do go to school once I start showing, they'll ask questions as to why, my stomach is getting bigger for seemingly no reason." I explained, the emotions and fears building up, tears slowly making there way down my cheeks as I got more and more worked up.

"Shh, its okay, baby, calm down, stressing like this isn't good for the baby." He soothed, gently rubbing his hand over my stomach to remind me of the life growing inside of me.

"I know, but I just can't help but worry about it." I mumbled before snuggling my head into his chest, my tears dripping onto his shirt as he comfortingly rubbed my back while whispering little reassurances to me.

"It's okay. It's all going to be okay. You can go back to school but then we'll say that you have to homeschool due to family reasons or something like that. Just don't worry about it now, we've got a few months to figure something out." Fen assured before he placed a soft kiss to my head as he moved one hand to gently run through my hair in a calming manner.

I shakily nodded my head as I burrowed my face harder into his chest, finding comfort in his warmth and comforting gestures.

Our peace was quickly ripped from us as we heard the doorbell ring from downstairs, followed by Remus letting Charlie inside before walking up the stairs to find us.

Groaning as Remus told us that he wanted to check up on me and make sure that my injuries were healing correctly, having called Carlise to meet him at our house for a checkup. Letting Fenrir carry me down the stairs, having been too exhausted from throwing up and crying, and into the lounge room where the Chef of Police was waiting along side an apologetic looking vampire doctor.

Seeing that I looked pale, Carlise mouthed, 'are you alright' to be from behind Charlie which caused me to nod and send a glance down at my stomach which gained a knowing nod from the doctor.

"So, you wanted to see us?" Fenrir questioned while he gently placed me down on the couch into a laying position with me head on his lap so that I was comfortable after having just thrown up.

"Yes, I just wanted to make sure that Harry is healing right and is able to go back to school tomorrow." Charlie explained, before continuing. "And I noticed that Harry looks quite pale, is he sick?"

"Yes, he should be okay for school tomorrow and no, he's not sick, just a little nervous about going back to school tomorrow, as I'm sure you can understand with what happened last time he was at school." Fen replied for me, not wanting me to hurt my throat any more than I already had with throwing up.

"And as much as I trust you, I would like to ask that Doctor Cullen here examines him to ensure that he is fit for school." He requested and after getting a nod from both Fenrir and I, Carlise walked over to us and bent down in front of the couch.

After doing a quick check over on me and confirming that I was alright and fit for school, he stood back up and showed Charlie the results. Having been satisfied with the results, Charlie nodded before wishing us a good day and leaving with Carlise in tow.

Groaning as I woke up, I looked over to the clock before I snuggled back into Fenrir's chest, his arms still wrapped around me from the night. Hearing Violet cry, I quickly squirmed out of Fen's arms before getting out of bed and walking over to where Violet was crying for food.

Pulling the shirt of Fenrir's that I was wearing down, I fed Violet and burped her before I rocked her back to sleep before I went to get dressed and ready for the day of school that I had to go to.

An hour later had me wrapped up in Fenrir's arms in the front seat of the car, not ready to leave my husband and baby girl for an entire day of school.

"Don't worry baby, it'll be okay, the Cullen kids will protect you, even more so now that you're pregnant again and we'll both be right back here at three o'clock to pick you up and I promise to make tonight worth it for you." Fen comforted before he placed a soft kiss to my lips, and forehead before he gently pulled away and handed me the lunch that Remus had made for me and sent me off to school, promising to be there when I got out of school. 

Nervous, I walked over to stand next to the group of vampires before I waved Fenrir goodbye as I held tears back at seeing him drive away and knowing that I wouldn't see my mate for just over six hours. 


AN: Hello!

Please comment! I appreciate every comment and love reading all of them!

I hope you enjoyed!

See you next week! 

[1038 words] 

Harry Potter and the Wayward Werewolfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें