Captured (Chapter 30)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artist!

--------------------------------Harry's POV----------------------------------

I gave a groan as I slowly sat up to crawl out of bed, my now nearly six-month baby bump being held down gently by Fenrir's arm which was laying over my bump.

"Fennnn," I whined, as I needed to go to the toilet, the baby being positioned on top of my bladder.

I heard a low growl as Fenrir moved slightly so that there was less pressure on my stomach, but his arm tighten around me, not letting me get up. Having figured out that he became even more protective as the pregnancy continued, and often didn't like me leaving a room without him, I whined again, in the hope that he would recognize that I needed to move.

"Fennnn, please! I need to go to the toilet! Fennnnnnnn!" I continued to whine before I finally let out a small whimper, which caused him to immediately let go of me and sit up to see what was wrong.

"What happened? Are you okay? Is the baby, okay?" He questioned, a worried expression on his face as he saw the tears that had built up in my eyes from the hormonal changes which made me more emotional.

"I n-need to g-go t-to the t-toilet," I sniffled as I tried to stop the tears from sliding down my face.

"Shh, it's okay, here, let me help you." He responded as he wiped my tears away and hugged me gently before helping me get up and supporting me as I walked to the bathroom.

Fen then helped me to sit down slowly before he turned around to give me a little privacy while I went to the toilet for the 3rd time since we had crawled into bed the previous night.

A few minutes passed before I reached for Fen so that he could help me up, the pregnancy having taken a toll on my strength and energy as I had spent most of my last pregnancy sitting down and not walking around like I had been for this one.

My back ached as I sat down on the side of the bed, all of my energy drained from the trip to the toilet. Hearing Violet start to cry, I smiled as Fenrir walked over and gently scooped her up and rocked her for a second before bringing her over to me so that I could feed our nearly one year old daughter.

Minutes passed before she stopped drinking, and I passed her back to her father so that he could hold her for a while before having to put her down to meet with the shifters and Cullen's again today.

We walked downstairs, Violet still being held by Fenrir as he held her with one arm while the other was wrapped around my waist, supporting my back a little as we walked together into the kitchen.

We quickly ate our breakfast with our small family, before we heard the sound of the Cullens pulling into the driveway. We stood up, Fenrir leaving Violet with Remus before we made our way outside to meet up with them, knowing that the shifters would also be in the driveway soon.

Soon enough, all of the shifters had arrived, some still in wolf form while others were back as humans.

We all chatted for a while before the shifters suddenly turned, their heads snapping towards the forest, all of them now in wolf form as a new danger appeared.

"Stay towards the back of the group, Harry!" The Cullens told me before they also moved forward on guard as they sensed the unknown vampire that was approaching fast.

I saw a blur of colour before I felt a strong, unknown arm wrap around my body and I let out a scream as I felt my body get pulled away from the group.

"Help! Fen! Help!" I screamed, a look of horror on my face as I saw the group turn around and catch a glimpse of me being stolen by the unknown vampire before they could no longer see me.

I struggled against the vampire, but to no avail as my weak body didn't have enough strength to push the vampire away.

"Ah!" I yelped as he dropped me onto the ground, immediately pushing myself as far away from him as I could, one hand wrapped around my stomach in an attempt to protect the child that was growing inside of me.

He walked closer to me, and grabbed both my wrists and dragged me over to the nearest tree before he tied my wrists together behind my back.

I gave a quiet whimper as my shoulders started to ache from the stretch, my body not used to being held in such a way.

"Shut up." He instructed as he slapped me across the face, my head snapping to the other side with the force of his hit.

Feeling the need to whimper again at the pain, I forced myself to hold it in, not wanting to receive another slap.

I sat against the tree, as I prayed that my family would find me quickly, that thought increasing as the unknown vampire walked closer to me, his fangs on display as he grabbed my chin and forced my head to the side before, he leant down and bit into my neck, causing a scream to leave my mouth at the pain of the fangs sinking into my skin.

"Please, please find me soon..." I prayed before getting pushed away from the vampire, as he finished feeding, my head spinning and my vision clouding up slightly.

"Don't worry, I didn't take enough to cause your death. Why would I do that when, if I just kept you here, I wouldn't have to find another human to drink from. But you're not human. You're a werewolf, and that makes your blood taste even better." He spoke before leaving me to lean against the tree once more. 


AN: Hello!

Please comment! I appreciate all comments and they give me motivation to keep writing and to write more. 

I hope you enjoyed! 

See you next week! 

[1020 words] 

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