News (Chapter 32)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artist!

--------------------------------------Harry's POV------------------------------------------

"So, what's the important thing that you've got to tell me?" Fenrir asked after he had gently placed me down onto our bed and laid down next to me before checking for any other injuries while he carefully rubbed some bruise salve onto my cheek.

"Well, the vampire that captured me, he told me that, since the Cullen's only drink animal blood that they couldn't tell me, but he could hear the baby's heartbeat and he said that-that there were two small heartbeats and one bigger one which was mine." I explained, a nervous look on my face as I waited for Fen to figure out what it meant.

"W-wait. So, does that mean that w-were going to h-have t-twins?" He stuttered, a shocked look on his face as I saw tears well up in his eyes before the spilled over and down his cheeks.

I gave a nod and soon I was ingulfed in Fenrir's strong arms as he held me as close to his body as he could.

"I-I'm so happy. We're going to have three children soon, I'm so excited to expand our family quicker." Fenrir spoke, his voice slightly muffled by my neck.

"I'm happy as wel-" I started before a gasp left my lips as I felt one of the babies kick which caused Fenrir to sit up, worry written all over his face at my sudden gasp.

"What's wrong? What happened?" he questioned as he quickly scanned my body for any sign of injury or discomfort.

"N-Nothing, one of the babies just kicked is all-" I was cut off again at another kick hit my body. "Q-quickly put your hand on my stomach, you might feel another ne." I told Fen who immediately placed his large hand onto my stomach before gently rubbing up and down.

A few seconds passed before another kick was let out which caused Fen's face to light up in amazement as he felt the kick underneath his hand. I watched as more tears welled up in his eyes before they slowly dripped down his face, happiness radiating from him.

"I don't know how I survived missing this with Violet..." he mumbled, his smile never leaving his face as he looked up at me before leaning down towards my stomach and placing a soft kiss to it, receiving a small kick in reply which caused his smile to grow.

"They're very active today, aren't they?" I spoke, as the calm silence consumed the room.

"Mhm, they are. We should probably go downstairs and tell everyone that you're carrying twins." Fenrir replied as he got up off the bed before he helped me up as well.

We slowly walked down the stairs, Fen's hands laid on my stomach and back, supporting me as I walked. Soon enough, everyone was gathered in the lounge room, some seated and others standing.

I took a deep breath from where I was seated on Fenrir's lap before I started to address our now large and still growing family (as we had called the shifters, Cullens and Charlie so that we could tell them all at once).

"We've made a discovery that involves my pregnancy," I started, no one making sound so that I could continue. "We've discovered that I'm not just carrying one baby, but two. I'm having twins."

The room was silent for a few seconds before it erupted in sound.

"What? That's so good! Congratulations!"

"Aw, I'm so excited to have more babies in the house!"

"Now I'll need to make even more potions. No, I'll need to double the batches."

"Don't be like that Sev! You secretly love potions, and those twins will have you wrapped around their fingers, just like Violet does now!"

"Oh, shut up, Bill!"

"You love me!"

"Do you have any ideas on names, yet?"

"Cool! More people to show video games!"


"I can't wait to take them shopping!"

The voices continued until Fenrir gave a low growl which caused the noise to disappear rather quickly.

"I'm glad that you're all happy and excited, but please, it's getting late, so keep the noise down a bit, you are all welcome to stay for dinner though." Fen invited as the chatter rose again but not to the previous extent.

"Speaking of dinner, I better go finish it." Remus excused himself as the rest of the large group continued to talk.

"Do you want any help, Remus?" I asked, not wanting him to overwork himself.

"No, I'm okay, I like cooking, besides, you need all the rest you can get." He responded as he gave me a smile before heading off, back to the kitchen.

The quiet chatter continued for nearly an hour before Remus called us all out onto the patio as the table and a few others that he summoned had been set up for dinner as the dining room wouldn't hold the entire group.

"It looks delicious, Remus, thank you for all your hard work." I thanked him before Fenrir helped me to sit on a comfortable chair near the head of the table before he sat down next to me, his hand resting on my thigh.

I gave him a smile as everyone else sat down before we started to dish up the food onto our plates, the conversation continuing as we al ate our fill, the food quickly disappearing from the table as the shifters also dug into the meal.

Soon enough, we had all finished dinner and Remus quickly brought out dessert which also disappeared from the table rather quickly. After all of the food had been eaten, everyone was left with full stomachs and tired eyes.

The sun had completely disappeared and soon, all of the shifters had passed out on the grass, the Cullens offering to run their patrols to let them sleep after a long day, Charlie fell asleep on the couch and everyone else went upstairs to their own bedrooms and quickly fell asleep as well and soon, the house was once again peaceful and quiet. 


AN: Hello! 

Please comment!  

And baby name suggestions are really appreciated! 

I hope you enjoyed!  

See you next week! 

[1030 words]  

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