The concussion P.1 (Chapter 11)

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AN: Hello! 

Credit to the artists!

----------------------------------------Harry's POV-----------------------------------------------

Struggling to my feet before falling back against the wall as I started to get dizzy once again, I attempted to stabilise myself by leaning up against the wall. Gasping for air as my ribs ached, my vision finally went normal again. Reaching down, I picked up the book I had dropped just in time for the bell for class to go.

Walking into the classroom, I immediately went towards the back of the room, sitting down in the corner as I watched the board, trying my best to stay awake, knowing that if I had a concussion, it wasn't good for me to fall asleep.

Finally, after two lessons of struggling to pay attention and stay awake, it was lunch break. Going to sit down at the table I did the previous day, I was half relieved, half scared when the group of five vampires walked over to me once again.

"Hey, Harry, are you alright? You don't look too good." Rosealie questioned, a worried look on her face as she surveyed my appearance.

"She's right. You don't look well at all Harry." Edward agreed as Alice, Jasper and Emette nodded their heads in agreement.

"I-I'm fine," my voice slurred as my vision blurred once again.

Hearing more worried voices and shouts to go get help, my vision blacked out, feeling my body fall to the ground.

-------------------------------Fenrir's POV----------------------------------------

After dropping Harry off to school, I returned home to Violet, spending a few hours helping around the house and occupying Violet. Around two hours after taking harry to school, my phone rang, recognizing the number as the school's phone number, I picked up in a hurry.

"Hello?" I spoke quickly, worried about why the school would be calling me, hoping nothing bad had happened to Harry.

"Hello, is this Mr. Greyback?" The voice on the line asked.

"Yes, I am." I responded, my worry growing in the pit of my stomach as the women on the other end of the line informed that Harry had passed out at school and had been taken up to the hospital in an ambulance.

Thanking them for telling me, I hung up the phone, running downstairs and telling Remus what had happened and asking him if he could look after Violet for a while, while I went to the hospital.

"Yes, of course, I will." Remus reassured and I thanked him, grabbing my phone, wallet and car keys before I sprinted out to the car, getting in and driving off as fast as I could to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, I rushed inside to the front desk.

"Hello, sir. What can I help you with?" The nurse at the front asked, looking up from her computer.

"Hello, I'm wondering if I can see patient Harry Greyback. I got a call from his school saying he was brought here after passing out in the cafeteria." I hurriedly spoke in a half-raised voice.

"Okay. Let me just check my computer...okay, he's in room 108 and is being seen by Dc. Charlise Cullen. You can go in and speak to Doctor Cullen." She replied, pointing me in the direction of the room.

Walking as fast as I could, I made it to the room in two minutes, knocking on the door and waiting for a nurse or doctor to open it so that I could enter the room.

Soon enough, a blond man stepped out of the room causing my senses to heighten and my instincts telling me to attack the vampire in front of me.

----------------------------------Charlise's POV-------------------------------

"Yes, hello, how may I help you today, sir?" I questioned the werewolf in front of me, not surprised that there was a wolf coming to the room where the teen wolf was lying unconscious from his concussion.

Seeing him keep his instincts under control, he answered, "I'm here to see Harry, the nurse at the front told me he was in this room."

"Yes, that he is. Come on in, he's sleeping currently." I lead him inside, showing him to the seat beside the bed that the young boy was sleeping on.

----------------------------------Fenrir's POV-------------------------------------

I sat down in the chair beside Harry's bed, reaching out and gently gripping his hand in mine.

"So, what's your relation to my patient Mr. Greyback. I noticed you have the same last name, but you don't smell as if you are his father." The vampire doctor inquired as he looked over his notes.

"Harry's my husband." I stated bluntly, knowing that the vampire was confused as to why someone who looked as young as Harry did smelt like a grown man's husband.

"I know that I shouldn't pry, but would you mind explaining? It's just that as a doctor my job is to make sure that my patients are safe."

"As I'm sure, you already know, both of us are wolves. We met a few years ago, when he was still human. We started hanging out and soon enough, we realized that we were mates. And so, we bonded. After that, he asked me to turn him, so I did. A lot has happened since then, but we moved here to start a life. He's perfectly safe with me. I would protect him with my life." I explained quickly, wanting to stop being bugged by the vampire. "What's his condition?"

"He has a concussion and some bruises to the back of his head, no major bruises but enough that I would suspect he's been shoved against something like a wall." He answered, putting his notes back down on the table.

"When can he be released?" I questioned, wanting to get him home, where he will feel safe.

"After he's awake, which should be soon, I've checked him over and he's answered some questions about what happened." The vampire responded as he sat down in another chair, waiting for him to wake.

I gave a small nod, keeping my attention on my sleeping husband, waiting for him to wake. 


AN: Hello!

Sorry for posting so late in the day, I've been busy. 

Please comment! I appreciate all comments!

I hope you enjoyed!

See you next week! 

[1026 words] 

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