The First Day (Chapter 34)

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AN: Hello! 

Credit to artists! 

----------------------------------Harry's POV--------------------------------------

I awoke to the sound of a knock on the door which followed by the ruffling of sheets as Fenrir climbed out of bed to see who was knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" I mumbled; my voice muffled as I was still half asleep with my head buried in the pillow as my body ached from the birth of our twins.

"It's Charlise and Severus, they want to know if they can come in and check on you yet." I heard Fen reply as I started to drift off again, comforted by the scent that Fenrir had left on the pillow.

I was jerked out of the state of near sleep when a warm hand was gently placed on my shoulder.

"Baby, I need you to stay awake for a few minutes while Carlise checks you over. I know that nothing is wrong but if it helps them feel better, I'll let them cause that's better than having people knocking on the door every hour." Fenrir explained as he helped me to sit up, my back still aching from the birth.

After he helped me to sit up, he walked back over to the door to let the doctor in to check me over.

"I ask that you be quick cause he's very exhausted from the birth and my instincts are running on high. After you check him over, we'll stay up here for a few more hours but we'll be back downstairs with the twins as soon as we're ready." I heard Fen explain to Carlise before they both walked over to the bed, Fenrir sitting down next to me and gently running his hand over my face to get me to open my eyes.

"Wanna sleep..." I whined after I opened my eyes to see the sunlight shining in through the window.

"I know but they want to check you over. I promise, they'll be quick and then they'll leave so that we can go back to sleep." Fenrir clarified as he supported me while Carlise sat on the other side of me and raised a hand to check my temperature.

"Well, your temperature seems normal, and it looks like your body is recovering quite well from the birth, but I'll check in on you again when you come downstairs just to be sure." Carlise stated after he had checked most of my vitals.

He then stood up and gave a nod before leaving the room, quickly followed by Severus who had been observing how I was doing by how I looked.

After they had left, Fenrir gently slid me back to a laying position as he rearranged himself so that I had my face snuggled into his chest, his arms wrapped around my body. Feeling his strong arms wrapped around me, I snuggled closer to his warm chest, wanting to be completely surrounded by his warmth.

Soon enough, we had both drifted back off to sleep, only to be awoken soon after by the sound of our newborns crying.

"You stay in bed, and I'll bring them to you, I'm guessing that they're hungry." Fen told me as he got up to get our babies from their beds.

"Okay," I half whispered, not wanting my voice to disturb Violet who hadn't woken from her siblings crying yet.

As Fenrir was carefully scooping up our babies into his arms, I slowly pushed myself up into a more comfortable position to feed them in. a smile spread across my face as Fen passed me one baby at a time, letting me rearrange so that I could feed both of them at the same time.

"They're so perfect, just like their sister; so beautiful, so innocent." I murmured as a few stray tears ran down my face as I gazed down at the two perfect little humans in my arms.

I waited until they both stopped feeding before I passed Apollo to Fenrir for a burp while I did the same with Luna. After they had burped, we both laid back down on the bed with Luna laying on my bare chest and Apollo laying on Fenrir's bare chest.

A few minutes passed before our peaceful silence was broken by the loud sound of a knock on the door. I gave a groan before quietly telling them to come in, knowing that they would hear me.

The door was then pushed open by Remus who was holding a tray of food.

"I thought that you might be hungry and figured that you would want to stay up here for a bit longer, so I brought you up some food." He whispered as he came into the room and placed the tray of food onto the beside table. "And you're lucky, they all wanted to come up here to see you, but I forced them to let you rest for a bit longer up here before going downstairs."

"Thank you, Remus. We appreciate it. And thank you for the food as well." I responded with a small smile as I looked over to the food. "It looks great."

"Thank you and I hope you enjoy it. And please, there's no rush to come down so take all the time that you need to, I'll keep the others at bay." Remus offered as he quietly left the room after I had given him a nod of thanks.

We stayed as we were for a few more minutes before moving so that Apollo and Luna were back in their beds, and we were sitting up so that we could eat the food that Remus had brought up for us.

"Mmm, this is so good!" I exclaimed; my voice slightly muffled as my mouth was half full of food.

"Well, Remus does make some of the best foods." Fenrir agreed as he dug into his portion of food.

Soon enough we had both finished our food and were once again lying down in bed, deciding on when we should go downstairs. 

"We'll go down in an hour or two but for right now, let's try and get some more sleep so that we're not so tired when we do go down." Fen suggested and I nodded in agreement before we both got comfortable again and drifted off to sleep.  


 AN: Hello! 

Please comment! I appreciate all comments and they keep me motivated to keep writing! 

I hope you enjoyed!  

See you next week! 

[1080 words] 

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