The first day. Pt.1 (Chapter 8)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to the artists! 

-----------------------------------Harry's POV-----------------------------------------

"Do I have to, Fen?" I trembled as I sat in the front seat of the car as I looked out of the window, seeing how many people were standing around the schoolyard.

"Yes, I know you don't want to go, but it will be good for you to have a muggle education, especially if we are going to live in the muggle world. And don't worry, if you can't cope well or don't feel safe or something like that, you can go to the office, or first aid and they'll call me to bring you home." Fenrir explained for the fourth time that morning.

I gave a nervous smile as I looked into the backseat, not wanting to leave Violet for the first time since she was born.

"She'll be okay." Fen whispered as he placed a soft kiss to my lips while his thumb gently rubbed over my left eyebrow, brushing lightly over the dark green patch that covered my blind eye.

"I know, she's with you." I replied, as I looked down to my bandaged left arm that held a still healing cut from the abuse.

Since my body couldn't have too many potions at once, I still had some minor cuts, bruises and scrapes that were healing slowly as I was taking a minor healing potion every morning. Sadly, Severus said that he couldn't heal my eye and that we would need to go up to the hospital to see if I could get a surgery that would contribute to giving me at least a little bit of my vision back but he wasn't certain that even that would help.

"I'll see you when it's time to pick you up. Do you have your lunch?" Fenrir questioned, as he continued to run his thumb over my knuckles in a comforting gesture.

I gave a nod as I picked up my new school bag from the back seat and put it on while attempting to avoid hurting the still sore skin on my freshly healed back. Although, most of my injuries where healed, my body still ached or burned in places that the wounds had been worst.

"Okay, well I hope you have a good day. You remember what to do?" Fen asked, making sure I knew what to do so that I wouldn't overly stress.

Knowing that I couldn't stay there all day, I leant over to receive a quick, reassuring kiss from Fenrir before going around to the backseat to place a soft kiss to Violet's forehead.

"I'll be right here when the bell goes, okay?" Fen reassured once again, giving me a small smile.

I gave a hesitant nod before walking off toward the building, trying to ignore the people staring at me.

As I got inside, I immediately started to look for the office to get my timetable, avoiding speaking or looking at anyone. Looking around the long hallway, I started to walk form one end to the other while glancing up at all the doors until I got to a double door that said 'Administration'. Seeing staff sitting down behind a long desk and other students walking around, I pushed open one of the doors and shuffled over to the desk before taking a deep breath to calm down my nerves.

"U-Um, I-I'm here for my timetable." I stuttered out, looking down at my feet in embarrassment.

"You're the new kid?" The lady in front of me questioned in a somewhat rude tone.

I gave a quick nod, keeping me head down at my feet as to not anger her any further as I heard the bell ring, assuming that it meant for me to go to class.

"Okay, so here's your new timetable. I'm going to assume you have all the books you need, yes?" She continued after a few seconds of looking me over.

Again, I gave a quick nod before grabbing my timetable and running out of the office. Glancing down at my timetable, I started to walk through the halls until I came across the classroom that I was in first, not seeing many students in the halls on my way there and figuring that I was now late, and they were already in class.

Knocking on the door to the classroom, I waited patiently by the door until the teacher opened the door.

"Ah, you must be the new student. Well, you'll soon learn that being new does not excuse you from being late. Now, go sit down at the back of the room and wait after class, I want to speak with you." He growled out, his tone rude and disrespectful.

Knowing that I shouldn't argue, I went and sat down at the back by myself and opened up my notebook to copy down the notes from the board. Looking at the board, I realized that I hadn't taken a math's class in years and knew none of what the teacher was talking about.

Panic rose in my chest as I just continued to copy down the notes and examples, hoping that I could catch up quickly as the teacher started to write up questions for us to do. Writing down the questions so that I could hopefully go back and do them once I understood how to do them, I jumped as a ruler slammed down onto my desk, the entire class going silent.

"Why, aren't you doing the work?!" The teacher yelled as he slammed his fist onto the desk, making a big noise that caused me to jump again.

"I-I-" I stammered, tears springing into my eyes from the embarrassment along with the teacher saying such rude things that made me feel even smaller and dumb.

"You better have done those questions by the end of class, if not then you better have a real good excuse for the principle, first late and now refusing to do the work." He gave an evil laugh before walking off again while shouting at the rest of the class to do the work.

The end of the class came, and he didn't even check to see if I had done the work, which was good because I obviously hadn't. He let everyone but me go to their next classes while he talked to me about not being late again.

Finally, he let me leave after yelling at me fir a good two minutes. Running out of the classroom and seeing not many people in the halls, I figured I was going to be late again, and I just hoped that the next teacher wouldn't be so mean. My next class was over the other side of the school and with my body aching, took another four minutes to get to it. Tears running down my face as I wiped them away and tried to make it look like I was fine, I knocked on the door, another man opening the door.

"You must be the student." He spoke in an accepting tone.

"Y-yes sir. I-I'm sorry I-I'm late, my last teacher held me back and then I-I couldn't f-find the classroom." I stuttered out, looking down at my feet in case he got mad.

"That's okay, I figured you had lost your way as you didn't have a tour of the school, so that's fine. Come on in and sit wherever you want." He said, walking back into the room and continuing to teach as I quickly got settled, writing down the notes and enjoying the English class.

At last, the class ended, and it was lunch time, so I walked towards the cafeteria and found an empty table in the corner of the room that I went and sat down at. Opening the container that held my food, I started to nibble on the ham, cheese, tomato sandwich but still not completely used to eating a lot of food, I couldn't finish it. Deciding that I would eat some more of my lunch at the next break, I put the container back in my bag and just sat at the table sipping some water while staring down at the table.

A new voice caused me to look up, seeing a group of people standing in front of me.


AN: Hello!

Please comment! I appreciate all comments and try to respond to all of them!

Please leave song suggestions!

I hope you enjoyed!

See you next week!

[1400 words]

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