Getting Ready for the Shifters (Chapter 20)

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AN: Hello!

Credits to artists!

------------------------------------------Harry's POV------------------------------------------------------

"A-ah!" I moaned, panting as Fenrir made one last suck to my neck, leaving a red-purple bruise to match the other bruises that were littering my neck and collarbone, some even scattered on my shoulders.

"I'll be back in a minute, okay, baby? I'm just going to get some water and a cloth to clean you up, okay?" Fen whispered, his thumb gently running over my cheek in an attempt to snap me out of the daze that I was in.

Dozing off, I was awoken by the feeling on a cool cloth being dragged over my face and neck, wiping the sweat from my skin. Still out of it, I watched through lidded eyes as Fen re-dipped the cloth, squeezing it out slightly before continuing to clean me up, carefully dragging the soft cloth over my chest, arms and down to my waist.

"I'm going to clean you up down here, okay?" Fen told me, not wanting to startle me while I was out of it, knowing that I still got jumpy and frightened sometimes if I didn't know what was happening and didn't have the reassurance of Fenrir's voice.

Giving a small nod in response, he dipped the cloth back into the water before gently cleaning up from my hips to my thighs.

"Okay, I would normally just pick you u ad turn you over but you're already pretty dazed and I don't want to scare you so, please, could you roll over for me so that I can wipe down your back?" Fen asked in a quiet tone as he placed the cloth back into the small bucket of water while he waited for me to roll over for him.

Wincing as pain shot up my spine as I rolled over, relaxing into the pillows as the pain faded as I stopped moving.

"I'm so sorry, Harry, I was rougher this time and now you're in pain, I'm sorry." Fen apologized as he started to wipe over my shoulder blades and down my back.

"N-no, it's okay, I wanted it, I asked for it, and I enjoyed it." I mumbled, my eyes slowly closing even more as I relaxed into the feel of the cool cloth wiping over my body.

"Sill, I should have been more careful so that I didn't cause you pain." Fenrir replied as he re-dipped the cloth.

"D-don't blame yourself, I asked you to, and I enjoyed it, therefore, it isn't your fault, so don't feel guilty." I murmured; my voice being slightly muffled by the pillows.

"Okay, but I'm going to ask Severus for a pain potion later so that you're not in complete pain. Also, do you want me to cancel the meeting we have with the shifters today and arrange it for another time?" Fen questioned as he finished wiping down the back of my legs, putting the cloth back int the water and getting ready to take it back to the bathroom.

"No, it's okay, the shifters can still come around, we'll just have to tell them that I won't be don't much and will probably just be sitting or lying down outside with Violet." I answered before finally dozing off, ignoring the fact that it was already morning.

"Mmm," I let out a sound of slight displeasure as a warm hand gently ran across my cheek, waking me up from my morning nap.

"Come on, I've got a pain potion for you. Besides, the shifters will be here any minute and you're not dressed yet." Fenrir spoke before pulling the blanket that he had put over me off, exposing my naked body to the cool air.

"Aaahhh, that's so meannnn," I whined, reaching out to try and pull the warm blanket back over my now cold body.

"Yes, I know, but you've got to get up now, the shifters are just around the corner, I can smell them from here." Fen told me before bending down, snaking his arms under my waist and gently lifting my sore, aching body up into a sitting position.

Now fully awake, I quickly drank down the pain potion, relishing in the way that most of the pain faded to a dull ache, accompanied by a throb every now and then, my body no longer shooting pain up my spine as I moved.

"Thank you." I thanked Fen as he supported me until my legs got used to standing up, still weak and aching from the night before.

Walking, with a noticeable limp, to go to the toilet while Fenrir got clothes out for me, I let out a groan as I realized that all of the shifters would be able to tell what had happened the night before from both my obvious limp as well as my scent from not showering properly before they arrived.

Finishing in the toilet, I limped back out to the main bedroom and, seeing Violet crying, I walked as quickly as I could over to where Fen was holding her in an attempt to calm her down. Sitting down on the bed, I quickly took Violet off of Fen ad started to nurse her, giving a small sigh as she quieted as she had her breakfast.

After she had finished, I laid her carefully down on the bed for some tummy time while I got dressed into some comfortable trackpants along with a shirt of Fen's. Having gotten as ready as I could for the day with the shifters, I picked up Violet before heading downstairs with Fenrir, the shifters having arrived; standing in the edge of trees surrounding the backyard.

Grabbing some hot, jam toast off of Remus on the way out, pulling Violet's pram along with me so that she could sleep with shade without having to go inside too much. Limping into the backyard, followed closely by Fenrir, I slowly sat down in the grass, placing Violet down so that she could make attempts at crawling around on the unsteady ground without letting her go too far in case she fell or tripped.  

"So, what are we going to be doing today? Well, what are the boys going to be doing?" Billy started, wheeling closer to us in the grass until he was only a few meters away. 

"Well, since Harry will be unable to help out today, we'll start by figuring out what you already know so that we can prepare for what we need to teach you while you're coming to us for advice and training." Fenrir responded, taking a seat on the grass next to me as the shifters followed, sitting on the grass a few meters away so that we could begin the conversation with them.  


AN: Hello!

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I hope you enjoyed! 

See you next week! 

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