The First Day. Pt. 2 (Chapter 9)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to the artists!

----------------------------------Harry's POV------------------------------------

Looking up, I saw a group of five people standing in front of me. Glancing around, I noticed that almost the whole cafeteria was staring at me in shock.

"U-Um, hi?" I spoke, uncertainly, as the tall, blond woman stepped forward a bit, along with a tall, strong looking male.

Taking a breath, their scents hitting my nose, as I forced my instincts to calm before looking back up at them, keeping my face neutral and blank as to not show my shock that vampires were going to a high school.

The tall blond woman, stepped forward, closer to me before she started to speak in a quiet voice.

"Hey. You're the new kid, right?" She questioned, nodding her head towards the others before sitting down in front of me.

"U-m, yeah, why?" I stuttered, trying to control my urge to run from the unfamiliar vampires.

"You look so scared, don't worry, we're not going to hurt you. It's just that, I recognized you from the other day. Me, along with Emette," she gestured to the strong looking vampire that was standing to her right. "Helped out the other day when you passed out in the shops. I just wanted to ask if you were okay?" She explained, her face softening with each word.

"Oh, okay. Y-yeah, I'm fine, thanks for helping out." I answered, glancing over at the other three vampires that were standing off to the side.

"Oh, right, introductions. I'm Rosalie, this is Emette. The two with brown hair are Edward and Alice and the blond is Jasper." She introduced while pointing to them as she said their name, emphasizing who was who.

"I-I'm Harry. It's nice to meet you." I spoke after a few seconds of gazing around the room to take in all of the five vampires standing in front of me.

"It's nice to meet you too, Harry. Do you mind if we sit here with you?" She asked while looking to Jasper for conformation that it was okay.

After seeing him give a small nod, she turned back to me with a questioning look. Not seeing a way out, I agreed and was soon surrounded by vampires on all sides.

It was silent at the table for a few minutes (the rest of the cafeteria having gone back to their own conversations, ignoring the group in the corner of the hall) before Rosalie spoke up once again.

"Are you not going to finish your lunch? You look like you could use some more food."

Blushing as I noticed I still had my food out, with not much eaten, I put my head down, facing the table, to hide the shame that she was right, I did need to eat more but I couldn't because my body wasn't used to it anymore. I felt ashamed that I couldn't finish what was given to me, and scared that, even though in my heart I knew he wouldn't, Fenrir would get angry that I didn't eat all of the food he packed for me.

Smelling my distress, Rosalie quickly apologized for butting in and for making assumptions about me.

"I-It's okay." I mumbled, still looking down as an attempt to make myself smaller, afraid of the vampires, my body a lot smaller than any of theirs, I was even shorter than Alice.

Thankfully, just as Rosalie was about to start another conversation, the bell rang, making me quickly pack up my food so that I could find my next class, hopefully without being late, I didn't want to get in trouble again.

"Bye, then." I gave a quick wave to be polite before rushing off to my next class.

So focused on finding my class, I didn't notice someone coming up to me before, I let out a yelp as my body was shoved to the floor, knocking the timetable out of my hand, my head hitting the wall.

"Now, what do you think you're doing?! Hanging around Edward?! He's MINE, you got that?! Stay away from his or you'll pay?!" A girl's voice shouted at me, my cheek starting to sting as she slapped me before kicking me in the ribs and walking off.

Looking up just in time, I saw medium length brown hair before my vision went dark.

Opening my eyes, I saw that I was still in the same spot as I had been when I passed out. Not knowing how much time had passed, I quickly scrambled to my feet, grabbing my timetable from the floor before rushing off to find the class that I was meant to be in.

Catching my breath for a second before nervously knocking on the door to the classroom, I was glad to see that the teacher walked out with a calm, nice face.

"You must be Harry, the new student. Could you please explain to me why you are late to my class?" She requested in a soft, nice tone that made me feel welcomed and supported.

"I-I had trouble finding the c-classroom..." I stumbled over my words, not wanting to get hurt more by telling a teacher that I had been knocked out by another student.

"Okay, well, it's understandable for your first day, but I ask that you try to be on time from now on, okay? Come on in and pick a desk, you can sit wherever you would like." She smiled at me, leading me inside before telling the class that I was the new student and asking them to be nice to me as I walked over to the back of the room and sat down in the corner, attempting to avoid people staring at me.

She then continued to explain the lesson as I got out the book and started to take notes from the board. As I listened, I decided that I quite enjoyed this class. Looking down at my timetable I realized that it was History and currently we were learning about World War 1 and America's involvement in it.

The rest of the day went quickly, my last class after history being science. Thankfully, the teacher was nice, and the class went by fast.

Walking out to the parking lot, I sped up after I noticed that Fenrir was parked further away from the school. Finally getting to the car, I quickly put my bag in the boot before climbing into the front seat after giving Violet a quick kiss on my way passed.

Hearing a loud growl, I looked over to see Fenrir frowning at me.

"Vampires." He growled out, gently holding my wrist to his neck to try and rub his scent over me (how werewolves and werewolf mates keep their scents on each other because they have scent glands on their neck and wrists) and get rid of the smell of the vampires.

Arriving home, I immediately went upstairs to out bedroom with Fen and Violet and spent time just laying with them, sharing our scents and relaxing after a stressful day.


AN: Hello!

Please comment! I appreciate all comments and I try to respond to all of them!

I hope you enjoyed!

See you next week!

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Harry Potter and the Wayward WerewolfМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя