Explanations (Chapter 17)

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AN: Hello!

Credits to the artists!

--------------------------------Harry's POV----------------------------------

Letting out a tired groan as I opened my eyes, the sun shining through the slightly open curtains that covered the window as I rolled over, snuggling deeper into Fenrir's warm embrace. Feeling Fenrir move, signaling that he was waking, I quickly closed my eyes in an attempt to appear asleep.

"I know that you're awake." Fen's low, hoarse morning voice rang through the room, followed by a deep chuckle after I opened my eyes, pouting about not getting extra time to just snuggle with my lover.

"Do we have to get up?" I whined, wanting only to relax all day with Fenrir in our bed.

"Yes, unfortunately, we do." He replied before placing a soft kiss to my lips as he gently ran his fingers through my messy hair.

Giving a sigh before slowly crawling out of our warm bed and getting dressed after feeding Violet, I sighed for a second time, feeling completely exhausted even though I had only just woken up.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you sighing so much?" Fenrir questioned, walking over and pulling me into a hug as a show of comfort.

"I-I'm just-so tired of everything. Of being attacked, of being questioned, of people making accusations." I sighed before nuzzling my face into Fen's chest, silent tears escaping my eyes as the stress that had built up over the last few days finally let itself be known as I quietly sobbed into Fenrir's chest, his hold tightening in a comforting gesture.

Minutes passed before I finally calmed down, Fenrir's hands gently rubbing up and down my back.

"S-sorry," I sniffed, taking a few deep breaths in an attempt to slow my breathing down.

"Hey, it's okay, you have nothing to apologize for." He whispered back before gently picking me up and sitting back down on the bed with me in his lap, carefully wiping my tears off my face.

Soon enough, I had calmed down completely as I relaxed into Fenrir's arms, his warmth comforting me.

Making our way downstairs, Fen carrying Violet with one arm as he held me hand in the other. Saying good morning to Remus, Severus and Bill as the twins had left earlier in the morning, we sat down at the table as Remus placed a plate of eggs and bacon, in front of both of us. Eating slowly as to not get upset stomachs, I paused halfway through picking up another bite of food when I saw a familiar face lurking in the trees at the edge of the backyard.

"F-Fen..." I whimpered, not taking my eyes off the figure that was crouched between two of the trees.

"Harry, what's wrong? You're so pale." Fenrir answered as he looked over to me, noticing how the colour had drained from my face.

"I-it's h-him. The m-man t-that a-attacked me." I stuttered out, whimpering quietly as I heard a protective growl from behind me, my breathing picking up even more, my heart beating so fast that I could feel it pounding in my chest.

"Hey, hey, you're okay. He can't hurt you, calm down." Fenrir spoke in an attempt to calm me, knowing that panicking would only make it worse for all of us. "Hey, baby, it's okay, I'm just going to go out and talk to him, okay? To see if he can take me to his pack. I'll explain what happened and they can deal with him, I'm sure they won't be happy."

I gave a shaky nod, taking deep breaths as I calmed down slightly, still scared about what would happen. "I-I want t-to go w-with you. I-if you're going to his p-pack."

"Okay, if I can get him to take me to his pack then I'll come and get you so that we can both go and don't worry, I'll protect you, I won't let any of them hurt you, besides, you still have some of the bruises on our neck as proof if the ask for it." Fen agreed, placing a soft kiss to my temple before walking slowly out into the backyard, keeping his guard up in front of the unknown shifter.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" I heard Fen growl out to the shifter; a strong glare plastered on his face.

"My names Jacob Black. I'm a shifter from the native tribe that lives near here but I'm sure that you already now that. I'm here because my dad, the chief of the tribe, found out that I had attacked one of the wolves that live here and told me to come get them and bring them and one other wolf from the house to the La Push reservation so that you can explain what happened from your POV so that they can punish me accordingly. They would also like to ask about why you came here to make sure that even though you're a wolf, you're not a threat." The shifter explained in a way that sounded recited word for word with what he was told to say.

"Well, that works out perfectly. I was going to ask to see your pack and tell them what happened." Fenrir responded, still on guard around the unfamiliar shifter as he cautiously took a few steps back before gesturing for me to come out of the house.

Taking a final deep breath after instructing Remus to look after Violet while we were gone, I started to make my way out of the house and into the backyard, approaching Fenrir as quickly as I could, not wanting to be alone out in the open space where anything could happen.

"Okay, he's here, lead the way." Fen growled out, placing one hand around my waist, resting his hand on my hip in a protective way, showing the shifter that if he were to lay a finger on me again, he would pay for it.

Seeing the shifter nod before starting to walk into the forest, leading the way to the reservation, we followed, keeping a small distance in case something happened and we needed to make a run for it.


AN: Hello!

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I hope you enjoyed!

See you next week! 

[1030 words] 

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