Recovery (Chapter 39)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artists!

----------------------------------------Harry's POV-------------------------------------

I winced as Fen carefully applied the bruise salve to the tears, my face buried in the pillows as he gently rubbed one hand up and down my lower back in a small show of comfort and support.

"It's okay, baby, I'm nearly done." Fenrir whispered as he continued to spread the salve onto the tears.

I whimpered as he slowly worked his salve covered finger a little deeper to be able to reach the more internal tears.

"I'm sorry, I know it hurts but I need to do this so that you can heal, just a little more and then I'm done." Fen reassured as he sat up some more to place a small kiss to the back of my shoulder.

Soon enough, he had finished with the tears and after having put more salve on my other bruises, helped me to lay comfortably on my stomach as my back hurt too much to lay on. A few more tears slipped down my face before they were quickly wiped away by my husband who was lightly running his hands down my back in a soft show of comfort.

"P-please..." I sobbed as more tears ran down my face and onto the pillows below my head.

I felt Fenrir's hand stop its movements before he moved his hand off my back and sat up with a worried look on his face.

"Please what baby? What do you need?" He questioned as he moved his hand to wipe more tears from my face.

"I-I know that you're being careful as to not hurt me but p-please, t-touch me more, h-hold me, p-please..." I responded, as I wanted to forget Ron's cold hands on me and replace that feeling with my lovers' warm ones.

"Are you sure?" Fen asked in concern, not wanting to hurt me or remind me of what Ron had done to me.

"I-I'm sure, just p-please-" I was cut off by a loud moan that was muffled by the pillows as Fenrir quickly pinched one of my swollen nipples before leaning down and starting to gently suck some of the milk from it.

A few seconds passed before he pulled away and licked his lips after he swallowed the milk.

"Is this, okay?" He asked as he gently ran a hand over my chest in a soothing motion.

I gave a nod before mumbling out a 'yes' after Fen had given a gentle squeeze to my chest for not giving an answer out loud.

"Okay, but we aren't going to do too much okay, baby? You need to recover before we do too much else." Fenrir spoke and I agreed before he continued to touch me, caressing my body and bringing me pleasure.

I panted as I laid in Fen's strong arms as he held me close to him, my body littered with red and purple marks that he had made as he explored my body.

"I love you." I yawned as I curled into his embrace, nuzzling my head into his neck as he placed a kiss to the top of my head.

"I love you too baby." He replied as he gave my sore body a gentle squeeze before closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep.

I groaned as I opened my eyes, my body aching from the previous weeks torture. My face turned a bright red as I looked down at the new red and purple marks from the night before, a small smile on my face at the sight of my lovers' possessive marks covering my body, temporarily ridding me of the memories from the last week.

Wincing as I carefully moved out of Fenrir's hold to feed our children, my lower back aching from the previous week and I sighed, glad that we hadn't gone that far the night before.

"Hey sweethearts. Are you hungry?" I cooed as I picked up Luna first before rearranging my arms so that I could hold Apollo as well and feed them both at the same time.

A few minutes passed with them feeding before they were full and after I had burped them, I gently laid them both back down in their crib for a little more sleep. I then picked up Violet and carried her over to the bed where I laid her down before climbing onto the bed and carefully straddled Fenrir who gave a small groan as the wight woke him up.

"Mmm, baby, w-what are you doing?" He questioned, his voice rough from sleep as he brought his hands up to rest on my marked up – and still slightly bruised from the last week – hips.

"Waking you up, of course. We've got to go downstairs now, Violet needs feeding, and we've started her on small solid foods now, remember? Plus, I can't carry Violet and the twins, so I'll need help." I explained as he gave a small nod before sitting up and quickly scooping me up, my legs wrapped around his waist as he stood up, careful of Violet on the side of the bed.

"P-Put me d-down!" I yelped as I clung to his neck, my fingers intertwined at the back of his neck.

"Okay..." Fen pouted as he slowly placed me back down on the floor, before he quietly walked over to the cribs and picked up the twins, situating them comfortably in his arms.

Turning to me, we both started towards the stairs and soon arrived in the kitchen where Remus was already up and cooking breakfast.

"Hey Remus, could I grab Violet's food from the fridge behind you?" I squeezed passed him into the fridge for Violet's food before setting her down in her high seat and uncapped her dish of food. 

I sat down on Fen's lap as he had settled the twins down in their downstairs cribs so that they could nap for a while longer. Picking up the spoon, I started to slowly feed Violet, as she made small happy noises.  


AN: Hello! 

I'm sorry that I didn't post last week, I was really busy and stressed but to make up for it, I'm posting two chapters this week, so I hope you enjoy them! 

 Please comment, every comment helps to keep me motivated and write longer and better chapters for you!

I hope you enjoyed! 

See you next week! 

[1062 words] 

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