News (Chapter 22)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to artists!

------------------------------Harry's POV-----------------------------------

I gave a groan as I rolled over onto to my back from my stomach, having been awoken by a low growl. Looking over, I saw Fenrir standing protectively at the end of the bed, facing me as he continued to let out a protective growl as he stood slightly over me. Worried as he only got like this for a few different situations, I started to sit up before letting out a yelp of surprise as Fenrir leapt up, landing with his hands on either side of the bottom of my ribcage as he leant over me.

"F-Fen? What's wrong?" I asked as he continued to let out a low growl, bending his head down to sniff my neck before slowly making his way down my body.

Moving my hands to gently grip his face, turning his face upwards to look at me, I gently stroked my thumb over his cheek.

"Come on, Fen, what's wrong? Please, tell me what's wrong." I begged, not liking how protective and territorial he suddenly got, knowing that it could cause problems with the shifters that were meant to arrive soon as we had arranged yesterday at the first day of training with them.

Slowly pulling his face out of my soft grip, he continued to move his head down until his face was hovering over my stomach. I let out a gasp as he started to carefully nuzzle his head into my abdomen before gently lifting my shirt and giving small, contented licks to the area.

Tears filled my eyes as I realized what he was doing and what his actions meant. Looking down at him as tears rolled down my face, a smile on my face as my mate greeted the life that was now growing inside me. I was pregnant.

I watched as he finished licking the area of my stomach that I was sure held the tiny life that was growing before he slowly pulled back, his instincts calming after smelling the change in my scent as I now held another life inside me.

Coming back out of the haze of joy that he was in, he looked up at me, his mile mirroring mine as he pulled himself closer to me, placing a soft kiss on my lips before laying down next to me on the bed.

"T-This is r-really h-happening...w-we're f-finally having a-another b-baby," I stuttered as tears continued to fall down my face, happy that I was finally expanding my family once again.

"Yes, we're finally having another baby. And this time, I'm going to be here with you for it, for all of it." Fenrir promised, his thumb gently wiping my tears of joy away before placing another soft kiss to my lips. "Should we go downstairs and let everyone know?" He questioned, knowing that I might want to just spend the day celebrating instead of training the shifters.

"Yeah, lets go tell everyone. Plus, the shifters will be here soon. Speaking of, can we just spend today inside, celebrating in our home with our family?" I requested, an even bigger smile making its way onto my face at fen's nod.

Climbing out of bed, I quickly fed Violet before passing her to Fenrir so that he could carry her down the stairs, already being overprotective of me. Dressed in one of Fenrir's shirts with nothing but underwear on underneath, I walked in front of his as we walked down the stairs, heading into the kitchen where Remus was cooking breakfast while Sev, Fred and George, Bill, Charlie and Sirius were all sitting, waiting for breakfast.

Taking a seat on Fen's lap, after he put Violet in Sev's arms as he started to carefully rock her, I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist, his hands slowly rubbing up and down my flat stomach.

"So, what has you two so smiley this morning?" Bill asked with a questioning look on his face before glancing around and seeing that everyone was now staring at us, waiting for an answer.

"Well, we have some news." I glanced behind me to see Fen nodding, letting me know that it was okay for me to tell them. "There's going to be a new addition to our family soon, in about nine months' time, actually."

A few seconds passed before it finally sunk in, and the congratulations started. The celebrations had begun.

A knock on the glass back door told us that the shifters had arrive. Climbing down off of Fenrir's lap, I walked over to the door, pulling it open and welcoming Billy and the shifters inside.

"Now, I know that we were meant to be doing more training today but something has happened this morning and so we are taking the day off, but we invite you to spend the day celebrating with us." I explained as Billy gave a knowing look before smirking at the confused shifters.

"So, what are we celebrating?" Seth asked before blushing as Fred walked over to stand next to me, winking at the younger man, causing his blush to darken.

"Well," Fenrir started as he wrapped his arms around my waist again and placing his chin on the top of my head. "We have succeeded in creating another life." He finished before giving a low chuckle as we watched the shifters reactions.

"You're pregnant?!" Leah yelled, a shocked look on her face as she blinked multiple times.

"Yes, I'm pregnant." I responded as I looked around the room, my eyes landing on Billy as he gave me a smile.

"Congradualtions Harry and Fenrir. I am happy for you both." He congratulated, his smile growing wider when I bent down to give him a hug. 

"Thank you, Billy." I smiled back at him before my smile faded when a knock at the front door sounded around the room, causing everyone to fall silent as George walked over to the door and opened it, seeing Carlilse standing at the door with six other vampires standing just behind him. 

"What are you doing here, Carlilse?" I questioned, feeling safer when Fen's arms wrapped protectively around me, his instincts still higher than normal as he let out a quiet growl. 


AN: Hello! 

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I hope you enjoyed!

See you next week!

[1050 words] 

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