The Meetings (Chapter 4)

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AN: Hello!

Credit to the artists!

-----------------------------------Harry's POV--------------------------------------

I let out a scream of pain as a liquid was poured into my left eye, burning and stinging. Blinking, I noticed that I could no longer see out of my left eye. The laughing voices of the two guards rang throughout the room, as the first one held up his wand, flame lit on the end and held it to multiple parts of my body, burning my skin. By now I had learnt not to plead, it only made it worse.

Soon enough, they left, and I clambered to my knees, crawling over to the small, worn-out mattress that lay in the corner of the cell. Taking off the wandless glamour spell from my stomach, I lifted a burnt, bleeding hand and gently rubbed over my now six-month baby bump, whispering reassurances and apologies to the unborn child.

From what I heard from the guards, Fudge was no longer Minister for Magic, the man that was now Minister was apparently an ex Auror by the name of Rufus Scrimgeour. I had also heard that he was looking over Azkaban cases and re-evaluating them to see if there were any prisoners who could be innocent due to lack of evidence. I hoped beyond all hope that Fenrir had gone to him and asked to have my case re-evaluated, but even if he had, the re-evaluation would take months and I dreaded to think about what would happen if I gave birth to our baby inside this place, it was bad enough that they weren't getting enough nutrition inside me as it was.

----------------------Fenrir's POV-------------------------

Ever since Harry had been taken to Azkaban, I had worried about him and our child growing inside him. As soon as the votes for Minister went out, I immediately voted against Fudge, hoping that the new Minister would look over Harry's case.

Thankfully, it was announced that the new Minister, Rufus Scrimgeour, was going to look over and re-evaluate Azkaban cases.

As soon as I could, I booked an appointment to have a meeting with him and thankfully, I didn't have to wait very long for it.

Heading up to his office, I knocked on the door and entered when I was let in.

"So, what brings you here today?" Scrimgeour questioned in a rough voice, looking up from the files in front of him to look at me.

"I'm here to request that you look over and re-evaluate a certain Azkaban case, since I heard you were doing that." I explained, trying to keep my temper neutral.

"Very well. Whose case do you request that I look over?" He asked, standing up and going over to a file cabinet labelled 'Azkaban'.

"I want to request that you look over and re-evaluate Harry Potter's case." I stated, trying to keep calm when he walked away from the file cabinet.

"Well, you're in luck, I was just about to start on his file as I found it the most suspicious out of all of them." He explained, holding up an unopened file from his desk. "Do you have any information that could go towards it? Also, during the evaluation, I will be traveling to Azkaban to see what sort of personality he has."

I nodded, "I can tell you now that Harry is the kindest person you will ever meet, always so considerate of others and would never hurt a fly." I pleaded, trying to get him to see that Harry would never have killed someone.

"Well, how about we go to Azkaban right now. I wish to get this case over and done with quickly as I personally don't believe that Mr. Potter should be in Azkaban."

Shocked, I nodded and stood up from the chair that I was sitting down on, ready to go as I wanted Harry out of that place as quickly as possible, he had already been in there too long; almost eight months.

------------------------------------Harry's POV--------------------------------------

Screaming in pain as contractions spread across my stomach. Knowing that I was in labor, I attempted to stay awake, to not pass out from the pain.

Screaming as I gave another push, feeling a small, almost too small, body slide out of me. Gasping for air as I reached between my legs, gently picking up the small baby, and holding her close to my body. Wincing at my baby girls' cries, I cast a silencing spell to ensure none of the guards heard her. I gasped as I felt a small month wrap around my swollen nipple and started to suck. I was so surprised when my chest had gotten swollen, not as much as a girls would but I was glad that I could give my baby something when they were born.

Hearing guards talking with an unknown voice while coming down the hall, I quickly cast a glamour over the two-day old baby girl lying peacefully asleep on my chest, clutching her firmly to me, making sure not to hurt her.

"He's in her Minister." A very familiar guard spoke, as the door to my cell opened.

Hoping that Fen had convinced the new Minister to re-evaluate my case but not wanting to chance my baby's life, I wrapped my arms further around my now invisible baby.

A gasp sounded throughout the room as the guard entered along with two other people. Not being bothered to look up, I just stared at their shoes, wondering who the third unknown person was.

"Mr. Potter can you look up at me please." A rough voice questioned, as the person who I assumed was the new Minister crouched down next to me, trying to get a good look at me.

Flinching as he attempted to place a hand on my shoulder, I looked even further away, shuffling as well as I could away, revealing the dried blood that stained the thin mattress, from the birth.

Another gasp sounded before running footsteps came towards me, stopping next to me as a figure crouched next to me. I winced and gasped as warm arms wrapped around my sore body, avoiding my stomach and chest as if they knew about the baby.

Looking up to see who it was, I immediately recognized the person as Fenrir, not in disguise anymore as he was claimed innocent but unfortunately, people still discriminated against him. Tears started streaming down my face as I lifted one arm and wrapped it around his neck, keeping my other hand over our baby to ensure that she was safe.

"You came."


AN: Hello!

Please comment song suggestions! Also, any ideas or suggestions!

I really appreciate all comments and try to reply to all of them!

I hope you enjoyed!

 See you next week!

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