Explanations (Chapter 28)

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AN: Hello! 

Credit to artist!

----------------------------------Harry's POV-----------------------------------------

Once everyone had sat down on the couch, I began to explain the previous day and what had happened with Bella.

"She hurt you again? I told her not to bully you anymore, but she just will not listen to me. I'm sorry, I'll talk to her again tonight and try to get her to understand that if she keeps this up, I'll have to arrest her for charges of harassment and assault." Charlie apologized; his brows furrowed in frustration as he tried his best to school his child that he loved with all his heart.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself." I told him before glancing to my side where Fenrir was sitting and gave him a questioning look, silently asking for permission to let Charlie in on the secret of both wizards, werewolves, wolf shifters and vampires.

Receiving a nod after a few seconds of consideration, I took a deep breath before turning my attention back towards the anxious chief of police.

"Charlie. What I'm about to tell you will change the way you look at the world and it may come as a shock to you. Do you wish for me to tell you, or would you rather not know?" I asked, knowing that he may not want to know about something that could change the way he sees the world.

"If it will help me to help you, especially to protect you from my daughter, then I want to know. It's embarrassing to say but I've grown quite attached to you, and I think the best way to describe it would be that I see you as sort of a nephew. So, if it will help me to understand more about you and help you, then I want to know." He expressed as my face heated up, embarrassed at the idea of the police officer seeing me as a nephew but thinking it over, I realized that I had begun to see him as an uncle figure as well.

"Okay, well, first of all, and this will be the hardest part, I think. Magic exists. Like wizards and witches and magic wands, all of it is real." I started and let out a small giggle at the look that crossed over Charlie's face.

"R-really?" He stuttered, shock showing all over his face as he blinked repeatedly in shock and confusion.

"Yes, now. The next thing you need to know is that me, Fenrir, Remus, Bill, Charlie, Severus, Fred, George are all wizards with magic wands and all of that stuff." I continued, and, seeing that Charlie looked utterly shocked, I kept speaking. "Another thing is that magical creatures also exist. So yes, werewolves, vampires and all of that stuff exist. In fact, you have three werewolves sitting around you and one vampire and also know more than a few wolf shifters." As I said that, his head snapped around, to look for the four magical creatures that were sitting in the room.

"W-who?" He stumbled on his words as he attempted to find who the people were.

"Well, for one, Remus, Fenrir and I are all werewolves, the wolf shifters are in the tribe that Jacob is from and the vampire is currently sitting right next to you." I replied before laughing at the look of utter shock that spread across his face as his head whipped around to face Carlise who also started to chuckle at the look on Charlie's face.

"S-so i-is y-your w-whole family v-vampire?" He questioned as the new information sunk in.

"Yes, both my wife and all of our children are vampires as well." Carlise confirmed which caused Charlie's eyes to widen even more, if that was possible.

Seeing that Charlie was not going to say anymore for now, I continued my explanation. "And as werewolves, the males who are the more submissive wolf can get pregnant by the more dominant werewolf in the relationship and as such I carried and gave birth to our, Fenrir's and I's, daughter Violet and am currently pregnant again with another child and as such cannot be at the school getting injured everyday and so we are homeschooling from now on. Any questions?" I explained before we sat in silence for a few minutes while Charlie processed all the new information.

A few minutes passed before Charlie finally finished processing everything.

"Okay, so at the moment no, I don't have nay questions except one. Can I feel your stomach? I know it's weird, but I've never heard of a male being pregnant and I'm curious about it." He responded, fairing pretty well with the new information and accepting us for who we are right away.

"Yeah, of course you can, I don't mind!" I smiled, happy to be accepted by him without question.

I smiled even more as I felt his rough hand gently glide over my still flat stomach, happy to know that I would never be judged by the chief of police.

"Would you let me be apart of your lives? I really do see you as a nephew and want to be apart of your lives and be able to support you. I know that my daughter has hurt you and I'm struggling to deal with her, but she is too much like her mother, I might have to send her back to live with her mother cause it's getting out of hand. Anyway, would you allow me to be part of your family, even after how Bella has treated you?" Charlie asked, a look of sadness adorned his face as he thought about having to lose our little family because of his daughter.

"Of course, you can be part of our family, we would love to have you as part of our family and don't worry, what Bella has done will not affect the way that we see you, you've tried your best and that's all we can ask for." I told him before smiling as I saw the smile that overtook his face, happiness and joy clouded his face at the thought of being apart of our family.


AN: Hello!

Please comment! I appreciate all comment and they help me stay motivated to keep writing!

I hope you enjoyed! 

See you next week! 

[1050 words]  

Harry Potter and the Wayward WerewolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang